Monday, December 31, 2007

Happy Birthday/Merry Christmas, Nathalie

and many happy returns of the days

may I present to you a peice that has been many months in the making (MANY. I started this for your birthday... in july) and the poem that originally inspired it (and nothing screams "BLUE!!!" quite like it)

The Bird and The Fish

You, a bird, fly high and free;
A fish, I see things differently.
Your world below a speck becomes;
My world and I embrace as one

Perhaps we'll not see eye to eye,
Since fishies swim and birdies fly.
Emotions, to you, brief gusts of wind,
To me, warm currents without end.

Much as I sore wish for wings
To revel in your airy flings,
A fish with fins I'm apt to stay
And with the other fishes play.

Yet friends perhaps still we can be;
You dive, I leap…momentarily.
And kiss the space that's left between
As you and I see worlds unseen.

Till when, some day up in the sky
In the legendary "by and by"
With wings and fins all placed aside
We'll meld as one by Jesus' side.
--Kiana Flame

Loving you!
-the Revig

Tuesday, December 25, 2007


Monday, December 17, 2007


umm oh wow this is akward so umm... lets see... why haven't I done this sooner well lets get around to that hopefully I will be breif you can never tell with me...( my ws post is still in storage) okay so sorry for the extra week in delay I can't really say it was my fault... you see we have a large freezer here which for some reason got left ajar all night long and so seeing as we weren't having the lovely cold weather we're having now, it all thawed out... and who do you think took the blame? yup that's right yours truly, seeing as I was the only one at home the day before which was monday(and incidently free day... which I spent watching neice... but more on that later) so yeah... for such I was suspended from all computer usage even school for the following week... and put on call to my mother's wishes... but as far as I can tell that's not the only reason...apparently my faithfulness wasn't doing so well so this apparent slip off on my part was the catalist, the crisis point, the climax, or what have you of this detrimental trend so I had it coming you could say... either way it wasn't so bad... the Lord showed me that the lessons I am learning will probably far more important to me than any I could learn in any text...

So that's one reason why you've had to wait so long... there are more but suffice to say they all stem from pure old laziness to do so over which the Lord has shown me I need to get the victory over... though it also stand to reason that my inability to sit down and type anything sensible of my own derision... a sort of correspondence block/slash brain freeze... may have had a hand in it... please don't give up on me, though as I am trying to change my ways and break out of it...

In other news I can hardly wait for my sister to come and take her daughter back!!! it'll be one of my best christmas presents yet :D
yep she's a pistol!
despite the obvious set back school's been coming along nicely... though still having trouble juggling it and my neice... sigh... two months to complete tenth! Lord give me the grace and focus for it...please pray that I'll be able to get it done in time...
Well I guess the public has decided for me... I shall not cut my hair... yet!... come now you can't really expect me to keep it like this forever, not to mention if it's required to become one or the Lord asks it of me I must be flexible... I do have obligations you know... besides I'm over due for a trim...
Birdefish is coming along nicely! trying to finish the sea though that's not the least of my troubles... there's still the sky and the water... I don't know what it is but I've been obsessed with water... I've already gotten five pictures with it central which I've had to stretch to get it right in at least some area... I guess it fascinates me in a way... I always liked swimming and after all I am the "Water Phantom" :D...
holiday commishes are stacking up if that wasn't enough to add to it all...
-The Revig

Tuesday, December 11, 2007


for leaving you here with garrits work... but I really haven't had anytime to get on the computer and write any thing sensible or of my own derision... the reason mainly being I've been to busy to...

and it is with the most deepest regret that I shall have to inform you that i have been forbidden from computer use for the next week... sorry to make you wait another week for content but there you have it... details and reasons why cannot be posted here as there is no time to type them now... but when it does allow you shall have them though I do have something written out I just need to type it up... savy?

My most sincerest apologies. I love and thank you all, though don't desert me yet!

-The Revig

Friday, November 09, 2007

society's misfits by `garrit - Even when the blood is at our feet we keep on walking. This shot is everything wrong with society, when we care more about the road ahead then our fellow man slumped to the side. This feature is a call to all to help your fellow man should they be in need, because walking right by won't make you feel any better. (Featured by ^Obsidian-Fox)

Note: I found this pic while browsing deviantart... something I do now sparingly and not as heavily as before... the lord told me to keep it down to a visit a week... but either way the photographers comments say more than I ever could... full veiw of course, (because it's considered polite in that society)... their might be a poem written for this... who knows...

-The Revig

Tuesday, October 30, 2007


a while back Sam (of when carrots wear jackets, of nude productions. indeed, The Sam Fuller) asked me to do a logo thingy or something for him... I think it has to do his website... anyway he asked for a nude holding a mixer wearing headphones... so thats what he got...

I don't really like the text... might change it at sams request :D if I can find one that he likes...

and the figures in bird and fish are painted now all I need is the background...

-The Revig

P.S. the headphones are on backwards... :D

Sunday, October 21, 2007


I cannot touch again
what was once
so near
All I feel when I reach
is a mirror of my fear

Did I erect this defamy?
it's reflection is mine indeed
but changed it seems
an image of the nothing
I am become to be

A wraith faithless, finite
already it is blowing away
and all that remains
is the light of your face
as in my quavering hand
a hammer you place...

Monday, October 15, 2007

The Room part one

last year I had an epiphany of sorts that I'm sure was brought on by my listening insistenly to a certain musical group whom we shall label for the time being The(the-e) Metanoya. Around this time back then as I was listening to this particular song I was struck with a sudden inspiration. I would do a comic to "The Room." a sort of music video only in a comic form, it would of course be only a few pages long and inked and obviously I would have to take some considerable artistic liberty, but I think it would be a worthwhile endevour since everyone's been bugging me to try something like it.

Now, one may ask "How would you accomplish such a feat? isn't a music video about the music? how can you convey something like that in a medium that is essentially silent?" to which I would, of course, reply"We use our imagination!"(I'm sure I left it around here somewhere...) I would simply use only the lyrics instead of any real dialogue so as not to prevent any mix up of characterization since I suck at dialogue (is a fact). What I am trying to acheive here is something where the images would coincide with the sounds and what you might be feeling listening to this song. Of course this would mean that I'd have to match the rythm and flow to that of the song which isn't something I've got alot of experience in... but lord willing with his help I'll be able to get the hang of it... eventually....

"The Room" is a classic storytelling song from which I'm sure countless skits and such have been done from, not to mention it has all the elements to make it work... dialogue, a somewhat hazy plot, and with the help of The Metanoya, atmosphere. all of which are what make a good comic strip of any length... which gives me much more to work with than most other songs... basically it's alot more literal than them. Sooo mix in a bit of creativity, prayer, inspiration and a lot of hard work and hey! presto! you have a comic stripp! or something around those lines...

-The Revig

P.S. sorry for the silence I've just gotten off a punishment :D

Saturday, October 06, 2007

Belly button

There's a time to be silly, and theres a time to be serious. A time to open up your heart and show how you feel... artisticly!   Because we all have something to share

amuse yourselves while I replot my revenge on procrastination...

Friday, September 07, 2007

some more...

and here's some more for your contemplation...

This peice is kind of an illustration of what I'm going through now... I would really rather not talk about it much as it disturbs me greatly still... I suppose that the best way I could describe it is as a virus thats turning me into something that I don't want to become but I can't escape it no matter what... either way it's not quite finished... Ill add some text... and I'm thinking of changing the eyepiece to something more.. engaging... and giving him some sort of fire arm... a tommy gun maybe... also his arm needs help...

A shipwreck
I float admist the debree.

Given up
Wandering Nightmarishly
Never Drown'd
Don't know how?
Let me sink, merciless sea
err yeah I just saw pirates of the carribean what can you expect?.. still he needs a barrel or plank of wood or something and a few ripples to make it look like he's really floating...
I might at these to the challenge list... we'll see...
oh, oh and, new scanner PTL!!! this one actually workslike it should!
it's late got to wake up early tomorrow and clear out some holes... good night!

Wednesday, September 05, 2007


yes I'm back and will have tales to tell...

but first...

birthday gifts for two very special young ladies who shall always have me stalking them

to start off I will present you with a peice that I am working for nathalie even though I am horribly late

The Bird and The Fish (Lineart) and the WIP

as you can see it is an incredibly complicated image so even though I have made considerable progress on it it is still far from being finished, not to mention since I just got a spiffy new computer :D with vista on it, it will be a while before I can get the good ol' ps up and running again to finish it off.(which makes you wonder y I installed it in the first place)
and yet another birthday peice this one's for my pseudo-muse teeny

Flightless Angel

ha! see something that is not inspired by something you created :p. happy birthday luv may your troves of jelly beans, pirate strawberries, and a few random whales thrown in never run dry!!!


it's only jesus

-The Revig

Sunday, August 12, 2007


heh sorry about the lack of posts lately...

as I've already stated I've been extremely busy not to mention I can't seem to find the time to post...

but that's not what I'm here for

I'm here to tell you all that I will be leaving either today or tommorrow on a trip to my sisters wedding in atlanta... I should be gone for the next couple of weeks, but hopefully she'll have a computer with internet there so I'll keep you posted. hopefully I won't get too drunk... but then again you never know this is after all my first wedding :D


-The Revig.

Tuesday, July 31, 2007

I just realized something...

I haven't gotten any prophecy time in for a whole week... and I feel like shit...

Excuse me as I go and spend some time at the master's feet...

-The Revig

Tuesday, July 17, 2007


yes yes some more poetic ramblings of mine... getting a bit more into shape wiith rhyme... warming up to it again and all... though no doupt some free verse wouldn't hurt either...

The Tree

Branches tire,
drifting off to sleep.
Dreams for hire
prance 'bout my feet.

Each, a fairy flame
in it's repose.
Each has a name
that the others chose.

Glimmer bright,
restings on root.
sparkled bedight
out in night, loose.

Away they float,
off to find a bed;
to set their notes
round some child's head.

As they leave
-closing darkness behind-
I rest my leaves
seeking sleep inside.



Good day to you
O, sun of a pink tennis ball
throw the petroleum jelly against the wall

String gees on a shower cap
drip your puple hearts
I can be more faucety than that

Keep your bleach
I have my own
and more than you'll know to reach

Look for me amongst the stuck fireflies
I will join them who knows
But I'll have a toothbrush they'll buy

Blast that pen!
What was I smoking again?



A shipwreck
I float admist the debree.

Given up
Wandering Nightmarishly

Never Drown'd
Don't know how?
Let me sink, merciless sea.

Friday, July 13, 2007

Kathy!!! (again)

and no I'm not obsessed... she just asked for a portrait to see if I could get her face right... the piece looks much better in real life... again the same old scanner story :D
love you Kathy. you're beautiful!
-The Revig

Thursday, July 12, 2007

Breathe Again

Without you I suffocate

save me from my asphyxiation

I want to breathe again...

-The Revig

Tuesday, July 10, 2007


cause I could of always been the same
but you stepped into my house
made it clean again
cause I could of always been the same
but you took me back
made me pure again...

heh yeah I like poa... especially this song... probably because it expresses what I've been going through myself lately...

the black and white photo's are by ambie bambie from whose blog I got this video from... which is done by joe...


-The Revig

Friday, July 06, 2007

Oh, look a bird...

Heh, sorry world if I haven't been posting so much...

I've been super busy lately, working mostly.... school too... I have hardly anytime to get on the computer and post something...

it's weird but I'm literally an errand boy here... my mom keeps on asking me to do things right and left... and I have to do them right away just drop what I'm doing and work on it... but the funny thing is I don't mind it so much. It helps me with my humility and willingness... not to mention it's good exercise and keeps me busy, an idle mind being the devil's playground after all... or something like that... hey! I'd rather be a doorman in the house of the lord than dwell in the tents of wickedness...

-The Revig

Saturday, June 23, 2007


here's a sketch I did from a photo of kathie during the gypsy night at wordstock for her birthday.

and as usual the scanner hates me...

heres the original

it doesn't do her justice...

Saturday, June 16, 2007

Dye Daily

It's finally finished... *collapses*

Die Daily

umm... okay this obviously needs some explaining... for some strange reason it was inspired by the phrase"I killed my pride"from some random song... pride in this case sygnified by the statue of himself having come alive. so in a sense he's killing himself. therefore I made the posessed statue stabbing him but him stabbing the statue(don't ask me how it's done, but yeah that's the general idea) to illustrate that by "killing" (I hope) the statue he's killing a part of himself... or something around those lines....

gah, the texture! I painstakingly put it together on the statue, piece by peice, layer by layer... which my computer loved me for and showed it's apreciation by taking ten minutes to save the file... sigh I really should give the credit for it where it is due... but notifying the person of the usage of his texture is a leetle bit difficult since I don't have a DA account anymore and that's where I got it from... since I have to post a link to it... (his rules :D) yes I know I haven't been very good at keeping them but I will try for now on. I can't really give you the exact link to the texture since he's cleaned out his gallery... O really should stop using these if I plan to illustrate the xn... copyrighting could be a pain if I'm not careful... which is why fighter's song only uses brushes...something that I am incredibly proud of since all my work uses other peoples textures to a great extent... sigh

now that I look at this there are soo many things that I see wrong with it, but I couldn't abide looking at it any longer! come to think of it I started it in febuary when the weather was still docile and worked on it throughout... definatly the thing that made it take so long was the texturing of the statue as while almost halfway finishing it my computer decided to be turned off by a power cut performed by my dad while working on the house so I lost all my work on that and had to start all over again... which was alright I guess because by that time I had a process down and was able to streamline it a bit because usually the reason why texturizing something takes me so long is because I have no idea what I am doing and it's a process of trial and error using different textures and blending modes to see what looks best...(pant pant) all this to say... I HATE TEXTURIZING!!!

ohh lookie a signature!

incedently this peice is also for that challenge thingy:43. Dying, if you want to know... MUAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!

-The Revig

Tuesday, June 12, 2007


Thank you Jesus for another year of service to you. Thank you for all the struggles and battles, the tests and the trials, all the breakings and remakings of this year. Thank you for the progress that I have made both spiritually and physically, and for helping me make it. Thank you for all the times when you were there for me: the times I had fallen, the times I'd turned back and the times when I just couldn't go on; you are that which I can call my willpower, my reason to live, to keep breathing, to keep going on for you no matter what. Walk with me now as I enter into this new year; keep me close to you, hold me up when I stagger, pick me up when I fall. No matter what never let me turn away from you...

Well here's to fifteen!
it's been fun and a hell of a ride!
it feels weird being sixteen...
I hope I'll get the hang of it...
in time...

-The Revig

Friday, June 08, 2007


yeps some more of the visually stimulating stuff. this time I'm swinging back into rhyme for a change I've certainly learned alot thanks to Admin's prodding(arr...)

this first one was, strangely enough, brought to mind and inspired by the word "grey" (or "gray" depending on where your from) this will be, of course, another one of my illuminated poems. I hate it when that happens...


When I was a child
so gay(HAPPY!!!) and free
the world was full of color
and I alone was king.

The sky fell through my fingers
the wind held my face,
in her caress everchanging
while she whispered my name.

The trippling creeks
laughed with me.
sticks were swords
and my fortress a tree.

But now time has flown
I see the world dim
through different eyes;
too fair, that dream, to live in.

Now the voices are silent, dry
This king's reign is ended
The fortress has fallen
My sword lies broken

Emaciated, the wind gnaws
against my bare skin.
No longer comforting
as it drives storm's clouds in.

And all the colors, slowly
do now but fade.
Where once played hues vivant
now lurk only shades of grey.


How can we
still be friends
(with benifit)
when seas
of land
come between?
vessels derilect
our only shore

Our different paths
together we walk
Aching fingers breaking
the Silence
ever sporadicly

Never giving the hurt
the pleasure
of being felt
Though poignant
we feel
the others pain.

Can we find
our parts to play
in this masacarade grand
so soliloquosly acting?

Will we go on searching
in these mires of Silence
for our own selves?
our names in dismay...


-The Revig

the good stuff

alright first things first. a chronicle of all the work I've been doing...
first one is done to a poem by my pseudo-muse, christine...

Swim the corners of my eyes
in tears of salt lakes, submerge;
grope flightless, floorless
light lulling
covers, to guard your drowning sleep.
Corrode this parlor
If stars were birds, I could taste them;
black wells paint in ripples
the air is murderous,
my lungs breathe water.
I am trying to think
but all that I find
are the tangled roots
of seedling thoughts
growing dead
cracking my mind
Broken before
these undead dreams
Feeding off my dread-
the chaos craven-
feinted petulence
calling to those inside

I should start signing my work more...
anyway, Hydro is for the challenge as well: Drowning... #91, I believe...
and yes I know it looks kind of like the oracle from 300 and the bird from the latest bond flick; I really did have both of those in mind while drawing this so it's no surprise(being an artist after all) that I was somewhat subconsciosly(?) influenced by both movies since that was probably where I drew my inspiration from as well...
Roots is intended to augment the poem regardless of the aparent flaws. I should write it on the back for this one as well as hydro and the angels...
look forward to a post on a new comicish project I am working on!

Thursday, June 07, 2007


for the most part...

Due to reasons that are too complex to even begin to explain without going on interminably(somewhat related to school), I have been on a hiatus for the past month or so... originally it had started out as a usual 'no-computer' punishment I recieved at the begining of last month ending after Wordestock... But apparently I can't wait that long, so it I disregarded it figuring, of course that it would be forgotten almost immediately as others had been... little did I know that it would be knocked up all the way to the 31st with the only thing resonable being to buckle down and take it... and so I did... and, now that it's over it's pretty wierd resurfacing back to cyber space again...Still, it's not all that bad, I suppose. I've had some time to break out of my writer's block, not to mention all the progress on my artistic backlog, as well as sneaking abit of time into my cgs as well(vanity, vanity, I know... actually I'm almost finished with my latest pixelated masterpiece that's been plaguing me for the past 3 months or so... will get that to you shortly just a bit of touching up to do)...
anyway, alot has happened since that time...( most notably wordstock which we'll get to later, hopefully) not wasting so much time roaming about in cyberspace has certainly gotten me doing alot of thinking and praying that's for sure.
funny enough as it may seem, I don't resent the fact that I recieved this punishment, sure I don't really deserve it; I still think it was a bit harsh compared to the reason for it, and I really don't understand the why I got it in the first place. I'm actually thankful for it. many things have happened during this time I've spent away from the computer things that were incredibly hard to go through, leasons I had to learn and even alot of really big sacrifices I had to make. I can honestly say that I am not the same person I was a month ago. For it all... the tests and the trials, the forsakings and breakings...I am thankful and grateful, because through it all I have been able to draw closer to the one that truly means the most to me. I am now able to say "Jesus is enough." Because without him I would never have been able to make it through to the end, He is the wind beneath my wings, the breathe of life inside of me, the strength to make it through the day. And there is nothing I would ever trade to be able to honestly say that.

Friday, April 20, 2007

Fighter's Song

okay umm yeah... heres a pic that I had been working off and on for a better part of four months maybe... long story I finished it like during january and many may know that I submitted it for my graphic design entry in The Arts contest on ER, but why delay putting it up here? Well the reason for that was that this particular piece was intended to be submitted in to the XN for publishing there... and so I was hesitant to post it here... no I haven't sent it in yet... I still have to get the nerve up to do so, but I'm getting there... for the moment you can enjoy it here... and hopefully it will be augmented by the quote to go with it(and of course it's alot better quality than the one on ER I have no idea why it's like that... I hope it looks better for the actual showing of it at WS)

pretty nice huh? :D it was inspired by several 'fighter' songs, 'never', 'this is war','kicking up a storm', of course these are all songs that involve an army whenever I visualize them and orginally I had intended to depict this, but I just got so tired of looking at this so I didn't go through all the trouble of doing that and settled for this... but point in case this is intended for any 'fightier' song you can think of and is intended to express that same thing :D which is why I give it the same title :D

and for once here is a painting that I did not use texture on... not even an overlay for effect... just default brushes... and I say painting cause that it really what it is that I did with it... at least the background anyway...which was a pain... took me a whole week and a half I believe... the line art is old and obviously there are a lot of different shading styles blended together here which just shows how long I spent working on it... you can see some: cel(which is what I used to do before I got my tablet), low opac, smudge, and textural(the helmet). I also borrowed those little extreme highlights from luis royo... and I think I'll be keeping them for awhile :D

please don't mind the many mistakes...

P.S. the demon's supposed to be orklike... that's where I got it from anyway :D


-The Revig

Monday, April 02, 2007

poetic experiences

At the urging of the administraton of Writers forum 3.0 (which has nothing to do with starwars) I have taken a few exercises in (mostly) rhymeless poetry...

I am trying to think but all that I find
are the tangled roots
of seedling thoughts
growing dead
cracking my mind
Broken before
these undead dreams
Feeding off my dread-
the chaos craven-
feinted petulence
calling to those inside


Grieving your senses
locked in the wind
The headway of your water's
granting sanctuary

Gold leaf skin
wrapped about your hands
touch my agony
and burn my name

Failure to see
to reciprocate
(Pink belt)
-The Revig

Saturday, March 31, 2007


12. Insanity...

this is an illustration of how I've been feeling lately. Although the original pencil was done a while ago during another time in my life when I was having a harowing emotional experience similar to what I've just gotten over with, and the inking was done just recently, I feel that it still holds true and is quite an emotional peice for me as a result...

It's magelyke... form my novellita that I'm working on... battleing with his own personal demons... similar somewhat to what I've been going through...

(I don't think I like the fingers...but there's not much I can do about that now is there...)
-The Revig.

Saturday, March 24, 2007

Hold Me In Your Heart

Hold me in you heart

lyrics and music by nathalie fischer

verse 1:
Hello there am I dreaming
This feels too good to be real
Are you an angel
That came to save me from my nightmare
and I wondered what it would be like
If I loved you and you loved me
Would I ever be able to come back to reality

So tonight I'm dreamin'
And everything is seemin'
To fall apart
But could you
Hold me in your heart

So I'm sittin' in this empty house (cough*)
Wishin' I could hold you
Wishin' I could tell you
But I'm so scare yeah I'm so scared
Cause I don't want hurt you
No I don't want to hurt you

Repeat chorus

When I think about you I smile
your so different and special
I wonder sometimes if your thinkin' about me
cause I'm just way over here
Wishin' you were mine,

Repeat chorus twice and end

here is a peice inspired by this song... It's supposed to be a very belated christmas present... come to think of it... what am I gonna do for her birthday???

Ah... dear nathalie, such a hopeless romantic how I miss our ramblings together... I never got a chance to tell you what I think of your voice...

it sounds like the way rain feels... soft and refreshingly cool... sometimes feeling like a drizzle and yet at others like a cloudburst filled with emotion, yet the rain is never too hard for beauty's light to shine through the clouds.

this is also:

16. Silence

-The Revig

Thursday, March 08, 2007

The Angels

here is the final version of this with editing added
The Angels
Their sorrow's gales
Dance with crimson sheets
Tears of blood
Run down marble cheek

They are statues
Their backs to the wind
Wings of cold grey
The watching seraphim

Stillborn of stone
Swathed in red
Bleeding for the world
Watching it end

and the piece it was written for:

full veiw for all the monoliciousness

as you can see I kinda intensified things in ps... the reasson for that was my scanner totally messed up the colors on it making the brown I used to shade the "sheets" way to pronounced... in the original the colors are in a much more delicate style of colored pencilling, but burning the
colors was the only way to get a uniform red... but really as with most of my pictures with this scanner they look much better in real life!

this is also for the challenge... though I really did want to use a peice to STEM's "Red" for it, I suppose this will suffice for

17. Blood

Also, I suppose that from now on instead of using just imageshack I'll also post the pictures like this with the blogger utility as well


-The Revig

Saturday, February 17, 2007

Gift Art

every year around yuletide I try to draw at least one peice to give to somebody as a gift; this year I did two.
the first one was for teeny and is to a song that I could of sworn was written by her that I read on her blog. turns out, it was by some system band called "Children of Bottom"? or something around those lines. the was every "time I die"; if I had known about it's origins I wouldn't of put pen to paper about it in the first place, but heh too late now. it's not my fault she didn't specify! I would include it here but, her blog has mysteriously vanished into thin air for no reason, I can't exactly reconjure it so you'll just have to trust me :D it did though have something to do with a candle going out and angel wings being broken, if that helps explain it, but no nothing about stitches I added that myself, but if teeny would be so gracious as to provide us with those lyrics you might see that it was inadvertently influenced by them.

Everytime I Die

my scanner has betrayed me!!!

(and yes a candle does smoke alot like that)

The second peice was done for Flo and is in fact copied from a picture of teeny off of hi5, no it's not quite obcession... I had planned a different composition of the same subject but it wasn't working out so I just took this pic and added all the trimmings :D


Both were framed and I gave Teeny's to her on the last teen meeting of the year. Flo's took a little longer in getting to her... a whole month in fact, but hey better late than never...

oh yes and these are also for the challenge :D

everytime I die for...

28. sorrow (maybe I might not even count it for this) :D

I'll have to figure something else out for that but it's that one for now...

and Fallen

88. Pain :D

quite refreshingly "macabraic" for lack of a better word


-The Revig

Sunday, February 04, 2007



I was there but then again I wasn’t. I was there but no one else saw me. Only you noticed me. Only you cared. Only you reached out and touched me when everyone else just walked right through me, not even seeing me. I was a ghost to everyone but you.
Vicariously, we laughed, we cried. We sang, we promised a dance. You showed me the world of the living, and I showed you a glimpse of my sweet death. But, through it all we never truly felt each other the way it was meant to be. The way we meant it to be.
Time and distance drives apart what was once so close, and now they torture us. What little that was there is now crumbled to dust and blown away. I didn’t want this. If I could I’d strangle the Time and distance that separates us with my bare hands. I hate these things that tore us apart, I wish they never existed, I wish things were not so. I wish we were together. But for all my wishing I cannot ignore the reality that we’ll never be together the way we long to be.
I hold nothing against you. We are apart this way because of things beyond our control, but know this; if things were different I’d run to you, I’d hold you in my arms and feel your sobs, dry your tears, and whisper what I have forever longed to say. But there is nothing we can do. Now my arms go right through you. I am still the ghost I was, immaterial, unseen; now even more so to you...

Saturday, February 03, 2007

Stem--- heavenly music

The new stem album... in a word, yes indeed, it is heavenly. Their lyrics are in earnest, their melodies inspired, and the feelings invoked by each are stirring and gutwrenchingly pure. Both say so simply what I have felt all along, especially this last year, and no doubt I am not the only one who can say that. indeed, it is the songs like these that are making the revolution of today.

to give you a taste of what I mean here is the first song on the alblum. finally someone has said what I have felt all along...

Deathe Music

Generation, defined by,
Words from a bleeding nation.
Long ago, music was so,
Different from what we hear now.
Feeling, meaning,
Now it's missing.
Celebrity masterpeices,
Rocking millions of sheep,
Deeper into their sleep.

(Chorus)I want the sound of,
Youth rebellion,
On the system,
Hate for evil,
Make me feel,
Something real in time,
Words that force us to action,
Chords that breathe
Turn off the radio,
Music, leave me breathless and bare.

(V2)I spent enough time hearing girls whine,
About their boys, sex, and toys,
Half naked, lip syncing,
Sex sells, so make it worth it.
Rapping, bling-bling,
shooting, bleeping,
Meaningless words for profit,
Skating, breaking,Desecrating.
Morals, don't think about it.

(Repeat Chorus)

I know where I will go,
Run down this one-way street,
Whatever He will take from me,
I give it willingly.
It's death music,
system shit.
Pan, stay away from me,
Water poisoned for your soul,
You're gonna die on it.

(Repeat Chorus)

Why listen to the enemy, enemy?
Why cower to his vice on you?
Don't be as lethargic masses, friends.
Don't listen to the enemy.

This is what I have felt so recently.
The thrill of freedom.
The thrill of flight.
This is my song.

Nothing to lose

Let's Go!

.You can take everything from me now,
My pride and my selfish way,
Everything I used to hold so dear,
I swear it's making me sick.

Nothing to lose,nothing between,
Nothing can stop lean, mean machine.
Everything to gain, aeroplane,
Until my death I swear allegiance,
Cause I make my stand now.
I'm moving forward,
I'm with you now,
And there's nothing to lose in the end.

Here I stand, unafraid and fearless,
I'm ready, I've made my dying wish.
I've been here before, but I know,
This time with him I'll end victorious.

Repeat Chorus

You try to slay me and I'll rise above,
You try to slay me and I'll rise above,
You try to slay me and I'll rise above,
You try to slay me and I'll rise.

Repeat Chorus


Friday, January 19, 2007

Traditional Media Comments

this is for any comments you may have on my traditional pieces... feel free to leave one if you have any questions regarding my art.


-The Revig

Digital Art Comments

This is for any comments you may have on my digital pieces... feel free to leave one if you have any questions regarding my art


-The Revig

Friday, January 12, 2007

Fanart Shmanart

I have some good news...

I got a tablet for christmas!!!

(a little late no)

its only a 6x8 graphire though so don't lose your socks which is alright I guess as far as tablets go but still its not as good as an Intuos since it only has 512 levels of pressure sensitivity instead of 1,024, but still I'm not one to complain... mainly since the things cost a small fortune and I'm lucky to have even gotten one... so yeah I'm happy with this one... it works just fine so fine in fact that I finished my first peice with it within two weeks of getting it...

it just so happens to be a fanart for... "Earthsong" a webcomic I am reading

and incidently it is portrait of the name sake of the comic: Earthsong!

now what is this "earthsong"? good question I think our good friend wiki can explain that a whole lot better than I can. she is so much more better with words than I am. Wiki!

and of course after you have digested that substantial chunk of information you can visit the webcomic itself here

I'll have to tell you though that it is in redux, which means it's being redrawn... and another thing as of december 18th in order to encourage sale of volume one the last two chapters of it(of three mind you:D) are presented in text form... fortunatly I started reading it god knows how long before... which is probably why i did a fanart for it in the first place another thing because of this flux in information several of those characters listed in the article will not be showing up in the comic for some time... that is if you've followed it from the begining as volume three is going up...

-The Revig

Waited Too Long

for those who find themselves bested by love... for those who hesitated... for those who knew they were never meant to be...

Too Long 

We never saw
That everything was wrong
Too late
Our hearts to break
Our song never wrought
Waited, too long

We’re lost to each other
With no one but ourselves
To blame
For our pain
Our worlds crumble
No passion fell

Now sing we
A lacryment song
A requiem
To our dream
Distortion bleeding
Waited, too long

I know this place
I have been here now
And now I know

-The Revig

Thursday, January 04, 2007

peices up

okay, the traditional media pieces are up along with the challenge ones... 
more drawings will be posted when I can transfer them,
 but for now these are the ones I have up. 

the scanning quality varies on account of my old scanner breaking down and my having to had use a camera. now though, I've got a scanner that eats my lines like cereal and white washes the rest. I want the older one back!!!