Tuesday, July 31, 2007

I just realized something...

I haven't gotten any prophecy time in for a whole week... and I feel like shit...

Excuse me as I go and spend some time at the master's feet...

-The Revig

Tuesday, July 17, 2007


yes yes some more poetic ramblings of mine... getting a bit more into shape wiith rhyme... warming up to it again and all... though no doupt some free verse wouldn't hurt either...

The Tree

Branches tire,
drifting off to sleep.
Dreams for hire
prance 'bout my feet.

Each, a fairy flame
in it's repose.
Each has a name
that the others chose.

Glimmer bright,
restings on root.
sparkled bedight
out in night, loose.

Away they float,
off to find a bed;
to set their notes
round some child's head.

As they leave
-closing darkness behind-
I rest my leaves
seeking sleep inside.



Good day to you
O, sun of a pink tennis ball
throw the petroleum jelly against the wall

String gees on a shower cap
drip your puple hearts
I can be more faucety than that

Keep your bleach
I have my own
and more than you'll know to reach

Look for me amongst the stuck fireflies
I will join them who knows
But I'll have a toothbrush they'll buy

Blast that pen!
What was I smoking again?



A shipwreck
I float admist the debree.

Given up
Wandering Nightmarishly

Never Drown'd
Don't know how?
Let me sink, merciless sea.

Friday, July 13, 2007

Kathy!!! (again)

and no I'm not obsessed... she just asked for a portrait to see if I could get her face right... the piece looks much better in real life... again the same old scanner story :D
love you Kathy. you're beautiful!
-The Revig

Thursday, July 12, 2007

Breathe Again

Without you I suffocate

save me from my asphyxiation

I want to breathe again...

-The Revig

Tuesday, July 10, 2007


cause I could of always been the same
but you stepped into my house
made it clean again
cause I could of always been the same
but you took me back
made me pure again...

heh yeah I like poa... especially this song... probably because it expresses what I've been going through myself lately...

the black and white photo's are by ambie bambie from whose blog I got this video from... which is done by joe...


-The Revig

Friday, July 06, 2007

Oh, look a bird...

Heh, sorry world if I haven't been posting so much...

I've been super busy lately, working mostly.... school too... I have hardly anytime to get on the computer and post something...

it's weird but I'm literally an errand boy here... my mom keeps on asking me to do things right and left... and I have to do them right away just drop what I'm doing and work on it... but the funny thing is I don't mind it so much. It helps me with my humility and willingness... not to mention it's good exercise and keeps me busy, an idle mind being the devil's playground after all... or something like that... hey! I'd rather be a doorman in the house of the lord than dwell in the tents of wickedness...

-The Revig