Saturday, June 23, 2007


here's a sketch I did from a photo of kathie during the gypsy night at wordstock for her birthday.

and as usual the scanner hates me...

heres the original

it doesn't do her justice...

Saturday, June 16, 2007

Dye Daily

It's finally finished... *collapses*

Die Daily

umm... okay this obviously needs some explaining... for some strange reason it was inspired by the phrase"I killed my pride"from some random song... pride in this case sygnified by the statue of himself having come alive. so in a sense he's killing himself. therefore I made the posessed statue stabbing him but him stabbing the statue(don't ask me how it's done, but yeah that's the general idea) to illustrate that by "killing" (I hope) the statue he's killing a part of himself... or something around those lines....

gah, the texture! I painstakingly put it together on the statue, piece by peice, layer by layer... which my computer loved me for and showed it's apreciation by taking ten minutes to save the file... sigh I really should give the credit for it where it is due... but notifying the person of the usage of his texture is a leetle bit difficult since I don't have a DA account anymore and that's where I got it from... since I have to post a link to it... (his rules :D) yes I know I haven't been very good at keeping them but I will try for now on. I can't really give you the exact link to the texture since he's cleaned out his gallery... O really should stop using these if I plan to illustrate the xn... copyrighting could be a pain if I'm not careful... which is why fighter's song only uses brushes...something that I am incredibly proud of since all my work uses other peoples textures to a great extent... sigh

now that I look at this there are soo many things that I see wrong with it, but I couldn't abide looking at it any longer! come to think of it I started it in febuary when the weather was still docile and worked on it throughout... definatly the thing that made it take so long was the texturing of the statue as while almost halfway finishing it my computer decided to be turned off by a power cut performed by my dad while working on the house so I lost all my work on that and had to start all over again... which was alright I guess because by that time I had a process down and was able to streamline it a bit because usually the reason why texturizing something takes me so long is because I have no idea what I am doing and it's a process of trial and error using different textures and blending modes to see what looks best...(pant pant) all this to say... I HATE TEXTURIZING!!!

ohh lookie a signature!

incedently this peice is also for that challenge thingy:43. Dying, if you want to know... MUAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!

-The Revig

Tuesday, June 12, 2007


Thank you Jesus for another year of service to you. Thank you for all the struggles and battles, the tests and the trials, all the breakings and remakings of this year. Thank you for the progress that I have made both spiritually and physically, and for helping me make it. Thank you for all the times when you were there for me: the times I had fallen, the times I'd turned back and the times when I just couldn't go on; you are that which I can call my willpower, my reason to live, to keep breathing, to keep going on for you no matter what. Walk with me now as I enter into this new year; keep me close to you, hold me up when I stagger, pick me up when I fall. No matter what never let me turn away from you...

Well here's to fifteen!
it's been fun and a hell of a ride!
it feels weird being sixteen...
I hope I'll get the hang of it...
in time...

-The Revig

Friday, June 08, 2007


yeps some more of the visually stimulating stuff. this time I'm swinging back into rhyme for a change I've certainly learned alot thanks to Admin's prodding(arr...)

this first one was, strangely enough, brought to mind and inspired by the word "grey" (or "gray" depending on where your from) this will be, of course, another one of my illuminated poems. I hate it when that happens...


When I was a child
so gay(HAPPY!!!) and free
the world was full of color
and I alone was king.

The sky fell through my fingers
the wind held my face,
in her caress everchanging
while she whispered my name.

The trippling creeks
laughed with me.
sticks were swords
and my fortress a tree.

But now time has flown
I see the world dim
through different eyes;
too fair, that dream, to live in.

Now the voices are silent, dry
This king's reign is ended
The fortress has fallen
My sword lies broken

Emaciated, the wind gnaws
against my bare skin.
No longer comforting
as it drives storm's clouds in.

And all the colors, slowly
do now but fade.
Where once played hues vivant
now lurk only shades of grey.


How can we
still be friends
(with benifit)
when seas
of land
come between?
vessels derilect
our only shore

Our different paths
together we walk
Aching fingers breaking
the Silence
ever sporadicly

Never giving the hurt
the pleasure
of being felt
Though poignant
we feel
the others pain.

Can we find
our parts to play
in this masacarade grand
so soliloquosly acting?

Will we go on searching
in these mires of Silence
for our own selves?
our names in dismay...


-The Revig

the good stuff

alright first things first. a chronicle of all the work I've been doing...
first one is done to a poem by my pseudo-muse, christine...

Swim the corners of my eyes
in tears of salt lakes, submerge;
grope flightless, floorless
light lulling
covers, to guard your drowning sleep.
Corrode this parlor
If stars were birds, I could taste them;
black wells paint in ripples
the air is murderous,
my lungs breathe water.
I am trying to think
but all that I find
are the tangled roots
of seedling thoughts
growing dead
cracking my mind
Broken before
these undead dreams
Feeding off my dread-
the chaos craven-
feinted petulence
calling to those inside

I should start signing my work more...
anyway, Hydro is for the challenge as well: Drowning... #91, I believe...
and yes I know it looks kind of like the oracle from 300 and the bird from the latest bond flick; I really did have both of those in mind while drawing this so it's no surprise(being an artist after all) that I was somewhat subconsciosly(?) influenced by both movies since that was probably where I drew my inspiration from as well...
Roots is intended to augment the poem regardless of the aparent flaws. I should write it on the back for this one as well as hydro and the angels...
look forward to a post on a new comicish project I am working on!

Thursday, June 07, 2007


for the most part...

Due to reasons that are too complex to even begin to explain without going on interminably(somewhat related to school), I have been on a hiatus for the past month or so... originally it had started out as a usual 'no-computer' punishment I recieved at the begining of last month ending after Wordestock... But apparently I can't wait that long, so it I disregarded it figuring, of course that it would be forgotten almost immediately as others had been... little did I know that it would be knocked up all the way to the 31st with the only thing resonable being to buckle down and take it... and so I did... and, now that it's over it's pretty wierd resurfacing back to cyber space again...Still, it's not all that bad, I suppose. I've had some time to break out of my writer's block, not to mention all the progress on my artistic backlog, as well as sneaking abit of time into my cgs as well(vanity, vanity, I know... actually I'm almost finished with my latest pixelated masterpiece that's been plaguing me for the past 3 months or so... will get that to you shortly just a bit of touching up to do)...
anyway, alot has happened since that time...( most notably wordstock which we'll get to later, hopefully) not wasting so much time roaming about in cyberspace has certainly gotten me doing alot of thinking and praying that's for sure.
funny enough as it may seem, I don't resent the fact that I recieved this punishment, sure I don't really deserve it; I still think it was a bit harsh compared to the reason for it, and I really don't understand the why I got it in the first place. I'm actually thankful for it. many things have happened during this time I've spent away from the computer things that were incredibly hard to go through, leasons I had to learn and even alot of really big sacrifices I had to make. I can honestly say that I am not the same person I was a month ago. For it all... the tests and the trials, the forsakings and breakings...I am thankful and grateful, because through it all I have been able to draw closer to the one that truly means the most to me. I am now able to say "Jesus is enough." Because without him I would never have been able to make it through to the end, He is the wind beneath my wings, the breathe of life inside of me, the strength to make it through the day. And there is nothing I would ever trade to be able to honestly say that.