Friday, June 08, 2007

the good stuff

alright first things first. a chronicle of all the work I've been doing...
first one is done to a poem by my pseudo-muse, christine...

Swim the corners of my eyes
in tears of salt lakes, submerge;
grope flightless, floorless
light lulling
covers, to guard your drowning sleep.
Corrode this parlor
If stars were birds, I could taste them;
black wells paint in ripples
the air is murderous,
my lungs breathe water.
I am trying to think
but all that I find
are the tangled roots
of seedling thoughts
growing dead
cracking my mind
Broken before
these undead dreams
Feeding off my dread-
the chaos craven-
feinted petulence
calling to those inside

I should start signing my work more...
anyway, Hydro is for the challenge as well: Drowning... #91, I believe...
and yes I know it looks kind of like the oracle from 300 and the bird from the latest bond flick; I really did have both of those in mind while drawing this so it's no surprise(being an artist after all) that I was somewhat subconsciosly(?) influenced by both movies since that was probably where I drew my inspiration from as well...
Roots is intended to augment the poem regardless of the aparent flaws. I should write it on the back for this one as well as hydro and the angels...
look forward to a post on a new comicish project I am working on!


  1. ben your art is soooo awesome!!!!!!!!!!!!! i love it!!!!!!! and i said at ws, ill love/hate you forever beacuse you'er soooo good...hehe..jk. i love u man. oxoxo

  2. EEEE!!! I'm someones muse!!! man I feel cool!!

    love yah, bird. xx

  3. correction pseudo-muse :D

  4. wow, I like this one..nice work
