Saturday, March 31, 2007


12. Insanity...

this is an illustration of how I've been feeling lately. Although the original pencil was done a while ago during another time in my life when I was having a harowing emotional experience similar to what I've just gotten over with, and the inking was done just recently, I feel that it still holds true and is quite an emotional peice for me as a result...

It's magelyke... form my novellita that I'm working on... battleing with his own personal demons... similar somewhat to what I've been going through...

(I don't think I like the fingers...but there's not much I can do about that now is there...)
-The Revig.


  1. I like this one, the hair is done very nicely. How'd you get the paper like that?

  2. I'm glad you liked it I wanted to make it look somewhat similar to the other ones...

    the paper is just some texture I hijacked from DA... here: if you must know...

  3. Anonymous2:25 AM

    Well I Loved your drawing so much this is what happened.


  4. Anonymous7:49 PM


  5. Anonymous7:05 AM

    do you mind if i use this for a project im doing at home? it is beautiful

  6. I do not mind... just be sure to credit me...

  7. hello sir..great work! to be honest it's mind blowing..
    I would like to use your image for a short story of mine..kindly permit me the same...
    (seeing the above post I've added the pic :D )..
    I've added the credit..please take a look and inform me if I should change something...
    thanks...grt work!

    (p.s.- link:

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. Hey I am borrowing your photo of "insanity" for the header of one of my articles in my blog. If you want me to take it down, let me know.

    Tell me if you think my article fits the "Battleing personal demons"

    You can check it out here.

  10. i fell in love with this as soon as i seen it so i hope you dont mind that i got its as a tattoo on my back
