Monday, December 31, 2007

Happy Birthday/Merry Christmas, Nathalie

and many happy returns of the days

may I present to you a peice that has been many months in the making (MANY. I started this for your birthday... in july) and the poem that originally inspired it (and nothing screams "BLUE!!!" quite like it)

The Bird and The Fish

You, a bird, fly high and free;
A fish, I see things differently.
Your world below a speck becomes;
My world and I embrace as one

Perhaps we'll not see eye to eye,
Since fishies swim and birdies fly.
Emotions, to you, brief gusts of wind,
To me, warm currents without end.

Much as I sore wish for wings
To revel in your airy flings,
A fish with fins I'm apt to stay
And with the other fishes play.

Yet friends perhaps still we can be;
You dive, I leap…momentarily.
And kiss the space that's left between
As you and I see worlds unseen.

Till when, some day up in the sky
In the legendary "by and by"
With wings and fins all placed aside
We'll meld as one by Jesus' side.
--Kiana Flame

Loving you!
-the Revig


  1. Wow, this is so nice! I hope its my birthday soon ;).

  2. You finally finished it! Great!!
