Wednesday, September 05, 2007


yes I'm back and will have tales to tell...

but first...

birthday gifts for two very special young ladies who shall always have me stalking them

to start off I will present you with a peice that I am working for nathalie even though I am horribly late

The Bird and The Fish (Lineart) and the WIP

as you can see it is an incredibly complicated image so even though I have made considerable progress on it it is still far from being finished, not to mention since I just got a spiffy new computer :D with vista on it, it will be a while before I can get the good ol' ps up and running again to finish it off.(which makes you wonder y I installed it in the first place)
and yet another birthday peice this one's for my pseudo-muse teeny

Flightless Angel

ha! see something that is not inspired by something you created :p. happy birthday luv may your troves of jelly beans, pirate strawberries, and a few random whales thrown in never run dry!!!


it's only jesus

-The Revig

1 comment:

  1. *giggle snort*

    This made me feel snugly, it really did. Pseeudo-muse...AHA! *wipes a tear*

    You're a darling, dear, really you are.
