Sunday, December 21, 2008

Merry Christmas

merry christmas to all and to all a good year

Whether your christmas is fancy with spandagles and bangles or simple with less bangle than spandangle don't forget the reason for the season... and may god's love be your best gift.

Christmas time has come again
with presents, lights and snow
so bright and new
I can do with out so many gifts,Jesus
Cause I've got you.


-The Revig

Thursday, December 11, 2008

A Thought on Eternity

James 4:14 whereas ye know not what shall be on the morrow. For what is your life? It is even a vapour, that appeareth for a little time and then vanisheth away.

John 3:16b whosoever believeth on Him should not perish but have everlasting life.

Forgive me for waxing philosophical but when I saw these two passages paired something more than their singular meanings became apparent to me. If, as john says, we have everlasting life through Jesus, and yet this life is even a vapour according to James then how do we live it? how should we live it?

-The Revig

Tuesday, December 09, 2008

Picture You


picture you
picture me
in a lost state of mind
traveling through a stream
of a cause undefined
I look around and see
he's waiting for me
I gotta go
can't let the pain show
we are two different worlds
and different plans
peace I feel
I understand

you smiled so broad
when my hope was so dim
now I smile deep within
you let me see heaven in a living hell
now I know all is well...

picture you
picture me

A Birthday present for melody

-The Revig

P.S. sorry for not posting much art this month either. unfortunately all my current work is confidential. otherwise this would be overflowing :D

The Tree

From Mama Online:

The tree by *firesign24-7 on deviantART

You were once a small tree that was on its way to growing strong and tall, but then a storm came. The winds blew upon your little tree and shook its branches. The rains beat down your precious, much-adored leaves; you watched as they fell to the ground or were blown away by the strong winds.

After the storm had passed, you were barely strong enough to stand up. The remaining leaves were small and few; you felt ugly and weak. You had lost so much of what was dear to you and what you considered important.

“Ah, the sun has returned,” you said. “Now I’ll grow strong again and will reach high into the sky!” But you can’t lift your branches, you can’t stand tall again. You try, and you’re sure that you’ll be able to do it, but your branches are just too heavy. You don’t know what to do. “All is lost!” you cry to yourself.

Suddenly you feel strong hands upon your weak little frame, and a sturdy plank from an older tree is placed beside you. You’re fastened to it. You don’t understand what’s happening. You feel the aches and pains of being tied to this piece of wood and of being straightened again.

The Gardener tells you that it’s for your good. But you so wanted to prove that you could do it on your own. You feel that this help will prove that you are a weak tree that He’ll have to eventually prune way back, or possibly uproot altogether.

But soon you begin to grow stronger; new leaves start growing and your little branches are thickening. The Gardener comes to you and says, “I knew you could do it, little apple tree. I have great things planned for you! You will feed and nourish many. I knew there was hope. I knew that the storm wouldn’t knock you down.” He gently removes the plank that held you in place.

You feel wobbly at first, but when you feel the wind press against you, it doesn’t bend you over or break you. You’ve been made strong through the help of the plank. Your trunk is now sturdy, your leaves are more secure, and you even see little budding flowers—the beginning of the fruit that is soon to come!

So even if the winds of life bend you and batter you, remember that I can come and help you to stand tall. My Word, and the help of those who have gone before you, will give you the strength to stand strong again. There is hope for you, My little tree, for you are destined to stand strong and tall, reaching high into the sky!

-The Revig

Monday, November 17, 2008

happy T-Day!!!

where did the year go?! only yesterday it was march and now were all the way in december, that's wrong...

but ummm yeah... Thank you Jesus

On that note, I hope you all didn't stuff yourselves too much... there's still christmas dinner to think about! heh... sorry for the lack of updates here, I've been too busy with... real life and other things...

Thank you Jesus that the septic field to our house was finally finished two weeks ago... kudos to my older brother Tim for operating the bobcat... that was a monster of a job that took us all summer and then some to complete.... WOOT!!! I have never felt so useful or tired in all my life :D chucking rocks out of dirt will do that for you... and now instead of the grand canyon we have a mohave dessert... but we also have a toilette

and we also have a colored living room and kitchen... yeah that was a family project there too... my sister Jonie from kentucky helped some with that... She and I cut while Tim mostly rolled... it's a nice slate blue with a "cream" yellow on one end of the living room and then in the kitchen right as you walk in is green... I mean really GREEN that it says HI!!! it was fun though... we also did a neat little blending number (with the blue and cream) that came out alright...

Well, the relatives are leaving and now it's back to real life... I need to get back on top of my word time and school... not to mention my art...

but that's life and we all thank the Lord for it

-The Revig

Friday, November 14, 2008

Some Metanoya Videos

Found these:

I'm a bit biased about these guys: METANOYA IS THE BEST BAND EVER!!! hahhaha ... so of course I like it, but...

While the beginning is wonderfully done and brian is great and all why did they have to go and ruin it with the... clown in the cape? like, seriously, what's with the coffee? I'm trying to figure out the whole back story while watching it but at the same time enjoy it, which really breaks the ambience... God bless brian. I know he tried and the rest of it is great, some real quality footage, but the bald guy... just doesn't do it with me... I like the fact that he's trying to give it some depth and he did well with what he had to work with, but the "story" is a little distracting

But hey, cheers! I'm just jazzed about getting something new from them!

We liked this one better, though what is up with the "fake obama" and the O they're making with their hands I'll never know?...

Good stuff!

-The Revig

Tuesday, November 04, 2008


Barack Obama won...

Thursday, October 30, 2008

Reinventing Myself

Well I figure it's time I gave you some pictorial evidence of my existance...

these will probably be the last pics of my hair, sadly...

and some photoshop fun! (that nose is rather missleading

it seems like my sketches will be coming back to me from ws in a day or two... can't wait, I'm getting itchy fingers :D

writer's block is the bomb no?

-The Revig

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

I can't take my eyes off of you

I can't take my eyes off of you

I can't take my eyes off of you

I can't take my eyes off of you

I can't take my eyes off of you

I can't take my eyes off of you...


Wednesday, October 01, 2008

"Press Release"

I think it's time to tell you what's been happening with me and try to explain something that might be important

Recently I have accepted a freelance 'job' as a concept artist for "brave visions"a production company run by Troy Leblanc, a former (favorable) member... what we're working on is a tabletop rpg with family principles and features... such as the keys, angels, spiritual weapons etc(strait out of the letters he says)... all for the gp... basically what your getting is a veiw of the spiritual warfare as it really is(or at least I think it is I've had no time to actually play it yet) and at the same time well be giving them what truly matters... of course there's money involved... I won't run the numbers but grossly conservative figures are a bit obscenely large... which scares me a little...I've been working with them for about a month now and have completed a few drawings for the game... mostly generic character sort of things for player's conceptualization (I think I just made that up)... I'm not sure when we'll be producing in actuality but we should be able to see it roughly by next year... very roughly...

I think I just made things all the more complicated by going and applying to feild contribute art for ws... because it just seems that that is what the Lords been preparing me for all along. I use prophecy to some extent in my art(I need to do it more but still I do ask 'is this right lord?' etc, etc) I know that contributing isn't about doing it my way and that I'm doing this for the family not just myself, so I might have to do things that are not my cup of tea(like comic art :D) and I hope I'm open to shepherding in regards to my art... or even to let someone else fix it (a little)... I know I probably need to grow a lot in these areas, but for some reason ws just feels... right... and what's really weird is the day that they wrote back I finished a comic strip for my mom for a 12fs class... which is what they are looking for, comics that is, and that one only took me a day to finish...PTL anyway, I've already sent in my second assignment sketch and it is currently passing review (we can only hope)... and I can hardly wait till they can get back to me so I can start coloring... I want to get my money's worth out of my tablet pen I had to replace.

for both I've made the comitment not to put pencil to paper until I've heard from the lord specifically for what it is I'm doing.... this is so i can be sure I'm getting it right to start with

so far I've been able to juggle both ws and bravevisions well enough... of course putting my work for the family above the other... but it hasn't really been easy... on our current schedule I've maybe got two hours after dinner and dishes to work on both sometimes shorter for divine duties... but that's not the half of it... I need to be in the right place spiritually in order to receive the right things, and with this game the Lord is expecting more of me in order to be there... and stay...which of course means getting all my spiritual needs met which isn't too easy... (perhaps things will change in the winter months) and also stand my ground in the spirit... and the battles aren't getting any lighter... in fact they're intensifying, mainly because I'm actually starting to do something with my art, but also partly because working this close to the world isn't free from it's hazards... TANSTAAFL... But I am determined to keep the perspective that first and formost I am a disciple and the Lord's instrument before I am a fantasy artist...

Pray for me... that I keep the faith... :D

In other news... school might be equally as 'stressful' as the aforementioned... I've been working on a short story (lala land) and I probably will be posting it somewhere for you to read... it's kind of hard to write a story that gets your attention and pleases you yet at the same time keep it short... I keep finding myself wanting to add in more to get it a little more well rounded than neccisary and then having to check myself and pull myself back from my further day dreaming in order not to bore me readers to death... the thing is I've got a very rough outline of where the story goes only I'm still making up as I go along how it gets there... this is difficult and taking too long and I am impatient... but lotr wasn't witten in a day... though I am longer overdue than that :D

These are the last weeks I will have my locks... I will take a picture before the deed is done so you may all know what we're losing :D

sometimes I fear I am peddling vacuum

-The Revig

Monday, September 29, 2008

The Life

and a lack of it...

Yesterday, I fell into our septic tank hole and hit my tailbone on a rock... luckily I was still able to sit down and use the jack hammer to finish the trench to the leaching feilds... it was fun though(falling) I've always wondered what it would be like... now I know

the only problem is I apparently also hit my hand and now it's a bit stiff in the pinky and aches slightly when moved... it's got a white dot on it too... don't remember getting that...

I also moved my computer somewhere slightly permanent... it was getting annoying to have a desktop on my bunkbed... now I can relax and actually get some work done....

This immensly helps with my school as now I can comfortably work on my essays without getting a back ache... though how that will work with the internet connnection I'm not sure...

I'll try and give you an update on some rumblings... try...

And I'm not Dead!

opera is not for this...

-The Revig

Monday, September 22, 2008

beatles lalala

where are we?

I dunno it looks like the foot hills

the foot hills of what?

the foot hills of the headlands...

oh and:

-The Revig

Tuesday, September 02, 2008

once upon a time...

I used to do art... didn't I? And I used to post it up here, didn't I?

Giftart for: (guess who, if I'm that good)

So this is what I've been working on all this time. it's supposed to be for a birthday which was in febuary... yeah I'm pretty slow... I'm going to let you figure out who it is though, to see if I got it right.

This one was a real challenge as I had to work with two light sources, rock, and fabric which have always been difficult for me... I like his wings... and her hair and the way that they balance each other out... I could say more but I think I let you come up with your own reading...

scanning this was a nightmare... I got it looking all nice with the right contrast on my moniter and then I put it on the internet one and find out it looks well... crappy is mild and generic, but all washed out and very bad contrast would be exact... so I make at least three more copies playing with levels in photoshop none of which looked right so I finally mussed with it in office picture manager on the internet pc to get it semi decent looking... hopefully the above is similar enough to the original...

she also wants this as a digital...

Under The Rain

another one from the 'virus' period... this on a more hopeful theme... obviously done on some of my better days back then... I think I'd like to dedicate this to melody because it was really her that helped me to stay alive and got me to laugh through the rain... and also cause she just finished her ps last month... wink* thanks to you I will always smile sooner now...

this is what guardian kinda looked like before I fiddled with it on this computer-the rain was supposed to be grayer and the drops not so dark... but I didn't want to mess with it anymore and you get the point none the less...

heh... yes it's the same outfit from I believe in hell... a sort of salute, but more defined and better rendered... and those flowers are all wild flowers from around the fiesta property... I sketched them myself... when I was there...

I need a new monitor...

-The Revig

P.S. it's only jesus...

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

I'm a Monkey's Uncle!

or in other words... Iz has a nephew

yours joyfully

The Revig

P.S. I am sorry for not having posted some art lately I've been very busy and haven't really had time to scan it in... not to mention schools starting....


That's weird... who knew I'd get this far with this... let's back track to the first post


Saturday, March 11, 2006

Blog start...

okay okay

I did it... I finally started my own blog...

for the longest time I had been against one of these. I thought: "what's the point, really, what would I or in fact anyone else have to say? I mean I don't even have enough time to post anything on it...I'm constantly getting into punishments and the most time I can spare/get from my parents on the computer would be at the most just fifteen minutes. So what's the whole point? " but then when I thought about it some more and I looked at some other ones by my friends I figured:"well, maybe if I tried it and see how it would be like. I might actually like it. I mean I can talk about literally anything, ANYTHING so why not."

and so I started this: The Silver Arrow Times

here is where I will post whatever's on my mind(providing it's appropriate), my art, news photos, poems(yeah those to) and any local news, and anything else that I feel like... or in other words, whatever...

wow... look how few dots there are... so thought out... so badly segmented... how did I ever get a chance to say anything

how far we've come, you and me reader, with this.... it's really been a great journey and I hope that together we have changed... we each have our courses and yours continues on in its path meeting mine here roughly every week with something new... each of us brings something new with us and our thoughts and feelings are different, everytime we see the front page... probably your annoyed that I've not posted anything new, or curious as to what those links on the side hold, or perhaps overjoyed by the latest post and can't wait to get the time to read it... by giving you a little slice of myself and sharing my visions I hope that I have in some way been able to change you as well, get you to look at things in a different light, update you with some of the Lord's workings in my life, or even made you scratch your head and wonder just what the hack am I saying?.. but above all I hope that I've had at least some effect on you and that I'm not just 'singing to an audience that's just not there, couldn't care less'...

of course you've seen my art change too... you've been able to follow me from my humble chicken scratches to my channeled masterpieces... and I hope as well that you will see the true master behind them and that I am just a, pencil, pen, brush, or stylus in his hands... unwieldy maybe, stubborn yes, frustrating at times... but still his, and proud of it...

Thank you, reader, for taking the time to well, read these sorry ramblings
... and your welcome as well...

-The Revig

Monday, August 18, 2008

Forrest Love!!!


-The Revig

Sunday, August 10, 2008

Other footprints in the sand

Imagine you and Jesus are walking down the road together. For much of the way, the Lord's footprints go along steadily, consistently, with Him rarely varying His stride or direction. But your footprints are a disorganized stream of zigzags, starts, stops, turnarounds, circles, departures, and returns.

Then gradually your footprints come more in line with the Lord's. Eventually they parallel His consistently. You and Jesus are walking as true friends.

This goes on for many miles, but then you notice another change. Suddenly the second set of footprints is back, but the pattern is even worse than at the beginning! Zigzags all over the place, stops, starts, deep gouges in the sand, a hodgepodge of messy prints! You are surprised and puzzled. . Your dream ends.

Now you pray: "Lord, I understand the first scene with zigzags. I was a new Christian. I was just learning. But You walked on through the storm and helped me learn to walk with You."

Very good. You have understood everything so far.

"So, Lord, was there a regression or something? The footprints separated, and this time it was worse than at first."

There is a pause as the Lord answers with a smile in His voice, You didn't know? That was when we danced.

—Author unknown
Reflections 136


-The Revig

Monday, August 04, 2008


that word, I don't know...

There's nothing like doing nothing...just basically chillin'...spent free night at feista in joy's stead... slept on the pull out couch in the loft...not really too comfortable, but I've slept with worse... the instrumentalist are down there now making sweet harmonies... a while before though we were watching avatar... I like it but I'm not sure if I really like it... you follow me, I mean it's great and all but I don't know if it'll be too much of a distraction/addiction... I'll keep you posted on that one... I might go out now and sketch something or I might just join the music making... but I guess what's the most important is that I'm not just sitten at home just doing nothing and all depressed like... though I'm not doing much now but writing this... I'm still not mad at myself for not getting any thing 'done'... still I am happy with this weekend and hope to see many more... as I find the warm fuzzy feeling of fellowship quite satisfying...

I'll keep you posted

-The Revig

P.S.  All we are is dust in the wind...

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

The Elements--Water

my, my, my aren't we a busy boy...

well here we are... I rather enjoyed creating this one even though it was a little cramped to go back to cel... it helped me appreciate my painting more...this isn't really the colors I had originally intended I actually had the pink part of the flower a deep red like the coral was before I applied the blue color layer to unify everything... and a completely different vision for her clothes, but then me and joy had a tremendous row about it... which may or may not of caused me to trim my hair and ultimately decide to cut it final... but that's for later...

I am as busy as a woodchuck chucking norris... so much so that I busted my freeday at the library instead of at home typing this... though when I got back I used the remainder to read one of the best works I have for a good while... "The City of Ember"... they live underground, theres only electric lights, everything's either breaking or running out, and it all runs on a monstrous generator... what's not to like? I tell you it had steampunk running all the way through it... only minus the steam... you could feel the rust in it... genius... and this is all coming from a juvenile... I'm hoping I can pull something like that with mine... though young adult is what I might like to say... I just hope they don' ruin it with the movie...

oh and I saw flo... she's doing well... we talked and remembered as usual... good grief I miss that berry so...

hope the FMF doesn't die on us... it seems to be having an acute case of nobody posting because they want someone else to... sigh...

I hate balloons!!!

-The Revig

Monday, July 21, 2008

where am I?

nowhere and everywhere my friend, nowhere and everywhere...

Well I suppose it's time for me to give some account of myself and my earthly doings... (and you thought I didn't have a life!) and I probably should tell you that we've moved... yes actually we've been here for a month now last week... I would of told you but I've been moving boards, clearing brush, digging ditches, waqking weeds, mowing lawns, breaking down unnecessary structures,digging holes to make fences, pulling out rocks and filling their places back in, raking leaves... and everything it takes to reclaim a three acre property thats been abandoned (mostly) for six years... or more... I'm not quite sure...still, we've whipped it into shape, it's a pitty we didn't take before and after pictures as then you could see the transformation of this place... It's surprising how the Lords helped us get so far... I hardly recognize the place from wence it was before... Don't worry we're only fifteen minutes away from our former lodging so it's not like we've upped and gone off to Timbuktu(no matter how much it feels like it)... either way we love it out here(not to mention all the lack of idleness) and are eagerly awaiting what the Lord has in store for us and this property during the offensive...whatever that may be...

June was also a significant month, as my other niece, lindsay, came to stay with us for reasons I do not wish to state here... nobody wants to gossip after all... she is a bit difficult, but not as bad as gabrielle, though she does have her faults with food... at least she can be left by herself, no?still it's nice to have a kid around again... someone to tell stories to, to watch all those old kids movies you love but are too "grown up" to watch with, someone to tell a bit of your knowledge to, to go on walks with, to think of new and interesting things to do... to teach, watch out for and protect... to love... Despite all the difficulties, the time it takes, and the annoying little things... in the end I've found that those are the things caretakers miss the most...

haha! oh yes...

Happy Birthday Nathalie!!!

And you thought I had forgotten...(I think?) I actually did call you, but you were not to be reached>_>... still I hope your not mad at me... I do have a reason for waiting two whole weeks! I did you a picture!!! only I've seem to have misplaced my flash drive... nonetheless, as soon as it can be conjured I shall send it to you and post it up here... and now that I'm free from my digital duties I shall start work on your other requests :D.... in the mean time I want to leave this allegory of us for you to contemplate

Know that I feel this way every day

Cant Wake Up (lyrics by Nicola)

Without you
My mornings seem so grey
Dark and bleak like my face
When for so long Im laying without you here

Without you
I'm lonely like an empty room
Like an empty heart
Just waiting for you to come back again

So how can I wake up?
When your not lying next to me
How can I get up?
When theres nothing real to see

Without you
I'[m falling in love with your absence
Just thinking of you
Wondering is this just a dream?

But how could I make up something so pretty?

And How can I wake up?
When your not lying next to me?
How can I get up?
When theres nothing real to see?

I love you dearly and pray for you... May you pass from strength to strength in this new chapter of your life... and may we find our places, together or apart...


oh, and another minor note about birthdays: I'M GOING TO CUT MY HAIR FOR JOY'S!!!

your's fatally

-The Revig

Friday, July 11, 2008

Lala land

Not really so much a story as a thesis for the start of one... I've got a foggy outline for one though with it


Lala land

Is it possible that whatever we imagine; whatever we create is in itself a single sentient soul living in some timeless reality that we ourselves have created, have fashioned the very building block of through our imagination? would each of these creations have a life, voice, purpose,-even a destiny- of it's own in this plane of existence.

in a sense every person governs his own world. he, the creator, created it and so he can control it by what he, unwittingly, thrusts into it to fend for itself. how does the creation feel, though? would it resent the creator? hate him? or accept his plight and strive to find a place where it truly belongs,somewhere to call home, or at the very least some existence that it can truly say belongs to it.

these "worlds" would carry on with their inhabitants in their own courses as if a completely different reality. of course these realities will have rules, laws even, that govern them as there always are, but these rules could be bent, even broken.

if someone stumbled into your world What would they see? What would you?


The Revig

Monday, June 30, 2008

This months poetry

aha! I did make it write under the line for the poems I did this month... I think that will be my goal two a month... just so I have sum form of motivation!

Breathing, singing, dreaming

I lie in this bed
in this room.
breathing lightly
for the pleasure of it.
each one easy, slow,
relishing the relief it brings.
a flower sweet,
welling up inside
growing from the air
at the bottom of my lungs.
its scent is a song
and the words I sing
to you, with whats left
of my bleary heart.
and the sounds do flow
through the clean air,
and we breathe them;
as we sing them.
as we lie in this bed
in this room.


He reads pictures,
He reads words,
In the Best
of eachothers works

comes from the same place.
but, what one gives words
the other one paints.

Blind painter.
Mute poet.
the works of your hands
is the music of your ailment

Paint me a poem with your paints.
Write me a picture in your rhymes.
For aren't these all the same
in the worlds they ply?

I've got a difficult task a head... but I have to do it... I must do it!

-The Revig

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Take It!!!

more cat pictures

Take It ALLLLL!!!

My hands hurt...

-The Revig

Monday, June 16, 2008



The Gift
It's not Christmas...

I know I know but I just couldn't resist the chance to win a hundred dollars in the activated christmas cover contest... and the chance to try my hand at doing a cg completely from scratch... no sketch besides a mockup on the pc... I actually like the way it came out even though its a bit crude and ruff... I only started working on it in earnest three days or so before the deadline... and even then I don't know whether or not they accepted it as I didn't get the confirmation letter...I didn't win...(how much you want to bet its going to someone like Daniel skye) of course I also wanted to do this piece because it shows something about what I feel about christmas... if it is a time to give gifts then why not give the greatest gift of all to the person who's birthday it is, and the one who its all about... that's really all he wants...


O daughter of my people, gird thee with sackcloth,
and wallow thyself in ashes:
make thee mourning, as for an only son,
most bitter lamentation:
for the spoiler shall suddenly come upon us
Jeremiah 6:26

I've been meaning to finish this one for some time it was one of the first ones I did in my old sketch book... and it sat in there for the longest time til I finally got around to inking it and coloring it... the skin was a hateful thing I couldn't get the facial bones to sit right... I still don't think they have...

the Lord said of this:

"And it shall be as a sign and a warning both for you and for others. It will stand for your comittment to the truth to fortell my words. It will remind you of who you are And, it will stand as a warning to the world, of the wickedness therein."

Through the Fire

" you will come through this time, and though the fires rage around you they will only feed the blaze in your heart for me"

This is a piece that has a very personal meaning... I started it when I was going through a very trying time last year... if you frequent the archives then you may know it as time I like to call 'the Virus' and from which some very emo poetry and pictures have come from which run through here from july last year which was when this began... I will not expound much on it... you can read the torture it was for your self if you can... but this piece signifies my freedom from it and the looking forward to other, things other battles... and I know the fire is burning brighter than before...

anyway I hate the fact that this one took soo long... it is only a testament to how slow I work... I really need to fix that... anyway partly this took so long because of the background... when I started with the state I had before I had no idea how to go about painting the fire... a wall of flames is not an easy task...but an Inspiration struck me I'm not sure when but it was another one of those random things that pop into my head at any given moment when least welcome or expected... anyway I have this texture of tree bark (courtesy of my source texturematic on DA)that struck me as looking particularly inferno in its qnarledness. so I took that and laid it over the base and set it to overlay or hard light or something like that and it just clicked... I painted over that using the shapes lines and colors from it to paint that conflagration... for the little border pieces I even took a segment from right above the smoke on the left and traced it in black and shoved it in there... so there you have it after three months of waiting it has finally been finished... once again all textures used, modified or otherwise are all from texturematic and I think I can still use them with no strings attached unless he's changed his terms...

oh and I got a new sketch book, its a nifty little thing 4x6 perfect for the kinda stuff I do...

have fun all and be good the pumpkin king is out and about!!!

-The Revig

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

17 years...

Here I am, your canvas, Lord. Paint.
Here I am, your brush, Lord. Paint.

heh... it's todays...

-The Revig

Monday, May 26, 2008


In Flanders fields the poppies grow
Between the crosses, row on row,
That mark our place; and in the sky
The larks, still bravely singing, fly
Scarce heard amid the guns below.

We are the Dead. Short days ago
We lived, felt dawn, saw sunset glow,
Loved and were loved, and now we lie
In Flanders fields.

Take up our quarrel with the foe:
To you from failing hands we throw
The torch; be yours to hold it high.
If ye break faith with us who die
We shall not sleep, though poppies grow
In Flanders fields.
--by John McCrae

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

coming back into my own

we'll start this off with a poem I formed in my head while working and wrote from what I had... I think it will be a series of short pieces on random topics... sketches really... these aren't the final states of these as they're rather rough with minimum of editing... still I likes them...

On May

Ah, happy May!
April has been pushing up daisies
and already you are afeild.
Your wings unfolden gossamer,
tinged with nature's hue.
Foreshadowed by summers scorch

don't you hate it when you get that pain when you stand up abruptly? well this was borne from one of those...

On a Headrush

Stand up sharp!
Blood rushing to head
calls for headaches.
walls thin,
burst at the seams
then shatter to
so many pieces.
awkward, nerved apology
I gather them up
and quickly leave

have fun...

-The Revig

Thursday, May 15, 2008


sniff...sigh... I've gotten a sore throat at about the same time I would had it happened... I think that means something....

missing it with you

-The Revig

Monday, May 05, 2008

so... uhh, come here often?

well hey what do you know I've actually got something to write about here...

we shall soon be moving... and I can say it now with some certainty... since our property has been sold...and the new owners mean business why, just yesterday the tore out the bathroom in the master bedroom(sniff... my house!)... we've got a deadline too, june fifteenth, and lots of work to do...

which brings me to another point... because of all this work it has been requested of me to cut back on my artworking all together... I'm not sure why... I think it has something to do with the fact that I've been pretty spacious lately and certain persons feel it would help me to come back down to earth... I've accepted it... reluctantly... though not without the terms being altered to allow me to work on it on my freeday so you won't be getting any art out of me this least nothing new... except for some stuff I'm finishing up now which includes the fire piece aforementioned... and my contest entry, which miraculously I finished just in time... at least I think it was on may first so that might be a problem... haven't gotten that confirmation yet...

I've picked up reading the 'Hunchback of Notre Dame' and I must say it is far darker than one might expect from the kids movie, but Victor Hugo's writing more than makes up for it... with him you are there, from the cour des miracles to the heights of the dame... from the pillory to the palace of justice he takes you on a journey of words and the pictures he paints place you there... it truly is a living breathing book, and his truly is writecraft at it highest... and he was only warming up... and for some strange reason I've been moved to scribble some words in my own...I've taken the strange idea in my head to revise my own work somewhat... let's hope I can do myself and the story the justice I feel it must have...

Listen, they're beautiful...
so many colors of sound
so many changing moods
but you know,
they do not ring all by themselves...

they don't?

no you silly boy...

la lala

la lala

lalala lala laaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa

-The Revig

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

B.O.D. needs your help!!!

if you need the album to live then you definitely should!


-The Revig

Monday, April 14, 2008

Art Posties

Hello again... I suppose it's that time of the month again, art update...

lately I've had two different pictures that I've been working on for my sisters... I think they were supposed to be for their birthdays but it's been so long I don't think I can know for sure... either way they're still in the works but I think I'll set the deadline for the finish of them to the next update so you should get them by then...

also I'll be entering the christmas activated cover contest... I'll have a hand putting a heart under the tree with To: Jesus, written on the tag... not very original I know but I'm under pressure here... please pray that it goes well and I get it right in time....

but I didn't come here to make you wait more did I?

The mystery! The MYSTERY!!! Begin Immediately!!!

we'll start this set off with my lovely little neglected water elemental...third in the series... which I finally got around to finishing... the lineart that is... who knows when it'll be really finished... though it is just a cel piece, easier to do than my current technique...I am actually quite proud of her jewelry and hair pieces which are actually a take off of a mucha necklace featuring fuchsias. Now, I figured they were exotic enough that they'd look like a sea flower even though obviously they aren't aquatic, but shh.. They'll look cool all purple and red, which will be the palette predominate here... I like the coral...

NP Header

Sam asked me to do this for his blog... I don't know whether it'll work for him or not but I like it... to me, it sorta personifies his music... on top of all the distortion and metal its still sam fulle... pink, bright, poking through in some clear random way...I think I should of put some light texture on the other one but a well... this is cool enough...

p.s. it's supposed to have a white border there... also all textures used are from the texturematic who I am linking to even though he doesn't require it because I'm nice and I use them ALOT anyway...

Key Boy

yeah I think that's what we'll call this little bugger... we sketched him in the living room of my brother andy's house during our January visit i think it was... this will be my little character for the xn hopefully if ever ai get into that... I also hope this will be a basis for finding a fast cg process for this, as the one I've got now is pretty laborious... or maybe it's just the fact that I'm trying to paint fire as a major component of the bg... ah well... i didn't refine the lineart too much because I'm thinking of using a new technique of painting over the lines... hopefully it won't be too disorienting... but that's why I got a bit lazy with it

and yes I know the hair is on the wrong side in the back shot of him... butthat's because I'll be using that part instead of the frontal shot... why well you see the front one was to get an Idea of what i was drawing and then the back shot is what I'll be actually using... yep, that's right! in the finished picture I'm hoping to get the three main demons... Pan, Bacchus, and Lethargy in their typical effigies staring down at him and him there with this magnificently huge sword like... "uhhuh, right..." a sort of David and goliath thing... or rather 'boss battle' I'd like to say :D either way I don't know when I'll actually do it but it's still a cool idea, I'd say :D and I think I'll call it that too...

Zane concept

And I shall leave you with this concept sketch of Zane with a different shirt which I liked very much... if you can read the scribbling good for you... that's not actually the way he holds the poniards as I've decided... his style calls for holding the right one normally and the left one with the blade turned under.... or something like that...

anyways, lets close this up with this, a little footnote of a letter I read:

Letter,letter on the wall
Who's the fastest of them all
-The racing Revolutionary
Who wants to be a missionary!

susho is delicioso

-The Revig

Wednesday, April 09, 2008

Ride of Your Life

(Jesus:) You ask where the physical ends and the spiritual begins, and I answer that the physical ends where the physical can no longer go, and from there you soar on the wings of the spirit to places where only the spirit can take you.

Monday, April 07, 2008

My creative self

I haven't written anything in a while... still abit rusty I'm afraid but I think thistribute to my fleeting inspiration...of sorts... should do

My creative self

I felt your knock,
at my door.
Voiced by the wind
through the floorboards

In the rain it came
frozen falls
over the pallid sea
repeated oft

'Erie" I called it,'
back to sleep
but the fire in my room
to hot to breathe

My feet touch the floor
embrace ice
dust gathered scatters
clean felt nice

Up two halls, down stair
chance given
to go back to bed, but
mad, knock driven

grasp handled ornate
opend slow
to myself standing out side
hand up to snow

The skin around your eyes
dark, as bruised
your hands stained with ink
work on something new?

"Come in," I would say
"Care for fruit?"
then wonder why you'd
take of your shoes.

We sit at the table, alone
Strewn with leaves
of clean pressed paper, we
begin to write these

I should have some art for you soon, freshly scanned...


-The Revig.

Friday, March 28, 2008


I've been having this image floating around in my head for awhile now...

an armoured hand and wrist, relaxed... streams of blood running down it, a few drips... framed by a door, white, marble... through the door is a pool of water, clear, glowing faintly... light streams in from high windows, curtains flowing in a breeze... sitting by the pool is Jesus... he's waiting... waiting for you... waiting to heal your wounds, to wash away the blood and the sweat of battle... to breathing into you new life, hope and love...come, he's waiting...

-The Revig

P.S: I'm thinking of getting a wordpress blog... I think it would be more organized and easier to maintain... tell me what you think... if you do...

Monday, March 17, 2008


Well it's that time of the week again... gotta give some sign of life...

I miss my faery princess!!! I know that sounds weird but you just gotta love kids... they grow on you before you know it your covered in their little tendrillettes and you can't get them off you...but do you really want to... Please pray for the little bugger, though... she's gotta strange lump in her throat that's been a cause of some alarm... its not the worst nothing like...CANCER!!! ptl, but she still has to go into surgery this wednesday so lift her up in prayer then, eh?

ahhhh I've finished the tenth grade in math... which means I will have less monotonous studies to look forward to in the future...

I'm starting a new drawing book, the paper in the old one is being ornery... but I need to finish some out of the old one... the water elemental for one and another challenge piece involving water too... rain this time... but water still... the new one I've got is book bound as apposed to spiral bound... I don't know how long it'll hold out as those kind of sketch books don't have a good reputation...

where has all the randomness gone? I remember when I would just type what ever I wanted out of the clear blue sky... Well I propose a renewal of it... let there be random!!!


-The Revig

Friday, March 07, 2008


uhh yeha that!

heres some updates on what I've been up to lately... I think I'll start off with a few works I've been doing...

recognize them? yeah, I thought you would... for those who are wondering its yuna and tidus from ffx... of course you probably know them in they're more traditional costume... however these are rather, shall I say... adaptions of those... I'm actually quite proud of them, heh...
Now, the whole reason why I went through all the trouble of ruining these is because in november or so last year nathalie decided to ask me to do the art for her fan-fic, "Love in Pain"... for her sake I will refain from commenting on the actual content of the peice or my feelings about fan fic(travesty! I say) and instead say that although it might of been a waste of talent nonetheless she does have talent and it shows. see for youself if you must, (link). for those of you who'd rather not it's supposed to be a highschool love story set in the same parallel world as in the game only set in modern times... as in it has real world elements and some obviosly not... don't know how that works but, yeah to her it does... either way she asked me for character sketches of all the characters not just these... and some cg illustrations... which I don't know when or how I'll do them... to simplify things I think I'll just give her the char sheets and do your standard romance novel peice and something imaginative for the cover... you know where they have that painting or so inside the cover... and a still life or something like that on the front... though at this rate who knows when that'll be...

under any other circumstances I would never have done them, not that I don't like them and all or the lord asked me to forsake them but rather I've found that by the time I start doing fanart of something then its gotten a bit out of hand by then... after all, you are bought with a price therefore...(I think you know the rest), but I couldn't pass up the opportunity to do my love a favor... regardless of when I'll get around to finishing all of them

yes, yes I know I take forever... shutup, finish your greens, and be happy!

I have hardly any time these days to spend on art... most of the free time I get is used up with school(don't that show I'm dedicated?) with only half an hour or so after divine duties... so at this point until I can finish(if ever:) my production levels will be falling short as far as art goes... not that they're any good right now... just don't expect me to be dishing them out every week or so... I might be able to fish something out once a month at most... seeing how things are right now... so, I won't be completely dead... just mostly dead...

I am working on a new CG peice

Through The Fire

The Sword

It was inspired by a phrase I had floating around in my head... like a remnant of a prophecy," you will come through this time, and though the fires rage around you they will only feed the blaze in your heart for me," strange, I know... but I am... incidently this is also for the challenge(convenient,no?) no.89 through the fire... as for the progress on this I'm almost finished with it, just need to finish the figure and do the background which should be interesting as it will be fire... surprisingly this one didn't take for ever to get this far... I hope I'll be able to finish it soon enough for you vultures :D

-The Revig

The Silent Lovers

For the past two month I've been on a sort of haitus from writers forum... not because I've decided to give up writing but the Lord told me that I should hold up on it for the fast so I have been... and for a comeback I wrote a poem to a peice by the great noah-kh otherwise known as Kuan Hong...(link)

it's still need some work but I was sick of just looking at it...

as a disclaimer: while writing the poem I had no recolection of the poem he did... but now that I think of it, it's similar, strange, I must of been subconsceincly influence by it... drat! I hate it when that happens...

The Silent Lovers

These stone
as black as ice
left from some memory.
are the sculls of men,
now hearing,
the silent war
of these two lovers hearts.

They speak no more;
all has been said.
worth saying anything
now that they're dead?

they're ears are seared,
with the pains of the other
That is why the only look,
not speak, to eachother

sometimes they're eyes meet
more meaning than words
passes between.

He brought her flowers once
black foxglove and narcissus
they withered long ago
now but shadows in the dust

she made him wings,
but he broke them
automated things
could not control them
kept from her besides...

Monday, February 11, 2008

The Room-- part two(finally:)

Of course, what is a comic without its characters?

Meet Zane the soloist in this opera. as you can see he has issues... one mainly being he is opressed and in bondage against his will ("but you can't get out now your friends have locked the door..."). In our story he is the equivalent of that lost soul on the brink of being found as portrayed so expressly by this song... in other words he is the escapee to be--and consequently the main character here. he will be singing the chorus so to speak... I started this sheet last year due to incredible boredom during a trip to my sisters in louisville. Of course it was only a first concept drawing to get the ideas down as they fall out of my head--not the finished character ref sheet so if there are any errors just ignore them... I will be doing many more of these as there are alot of details that I want to work out and several things I will change.

Yes, those are spikes coming out of his shoulder. the original idea I had was that these spikes would appear on the characters as a sort of disease... Now that I think about it zane's will be running along the right side of his jaw, even though here they're on his shoulder in this first drawing. I decided to drop those as then it would seem like he was less affected by it than his "friends", who have them coming out all over the place, not to mention it would solve the problem of how to get that coat thingy off with them. I liked the concept of the lock around his neck as it symbolizes his bondage and imprisonment, besides he needed something there...

I like the leather glove especially the little metal plate things over the fingers...

The overall feel I wanted to achieve was a somewhat grunge(dare I say goth?), semi-archaic, mystical ambience yet still maintaining a modern theme. basically it will have the same undifinability as the music it comes from. I didn't want to stray too far into studds or spikes as that wouldn't really do it for me and besides they're rather cliche and if this is a comic I figured it would be best to keep things simple and free from unecissary and tedious detail... instead we're going with straps, rusty hardware, and scary looking armor :D

ahh, yes the head shots... I figured since I'll be drawing this bugger alot more I should do some of these for reference and to get a greater feel for him more than just your standard mugshot once in awhile. as with any comic one needs to get a greater three dimensional feel of ones character and so these are an attempt to do so. that dagger there is ment to be duel weilded and has a design I cooked up that would be his seal so to speak or rather his emblem. all the characters will have one and it will be a motif used throughout their design as far as the drawings go I actually like the one on top of his left side veiw better than the other one
I still can't figure out how to draw those chunks of hair so that they look right... both from that side and the top... but, ah well maybe I just need to revise it a little...

getting a bit more into details here. you can see the full emblem up there in the top right corner there... he's got it on his daggars, shoulder guard, lip ring, and finger thingies on his glove... I did this inorder to tye the whole concept together as well as give him a greater depth of culture (I think that's the correct term) than what would be apparent if I'd just left those parts blank... I always like doing that in my work... though now that I think of it it'll be a real pain to reproduce on a consistent basis... underneath all that is an idea I had for adding a tatoo to his right eye as it would make it easier to draw that side of his face... I may or may not keep it in... but, then again. I don't like his shirt though andin another sketch I changed it to a double set of rings instead of just one... which in my opinion looks better, along with a different collar.

and as you may see I was trying to see how the spikes at his jawline would work... so far I like it.

as far as technique goes I will be inking it in a great deal, but still leaving the pencil lines underneath to keep a rougher ambience to it... and to fill in those portions that would be too hard to ink otherwise. as far as colour goes it'll be pretty monochromatic with selective coloring where I feel is best.

one thing to keep in mind is that by no means are these the final design for this character. mostly these are still fluid and floating around in my head so at this point nothing's concrete. and I might not even follow through... I'm not so sure I should even be doing it like this, but if its made apparent that this is out of it and I mean really out of it, then I won't hesitate to abandon it... and f I am please don't hesitate to tell me... but at the moment I'm having a great time dreaming about it. And even if it does crash and burn at least I'll have the experience, no?

anyway, heres hoping this'll come to fruition....

-the Revig

A little something

to satiate and to show that I'm not entirely brain dead at the moment :D

None yet.

touched by a darkness
tainted within
its waves beating
an island of light.
mortal strife,
of natures bound.
choose which wins
the rule of your soul.


-the Revig

Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Valentines song

for my own special someone(and marvy:D)


from: phil in the circle I highly recomend you visit his site... he'sa lunatic!!!

Friday, January 18, 2008

new year's prayer

okay so maybe it's a bit late but we had our candlelight serviceon the wednesday afterwards... still I always do this so here goes...

first I will give you the lyrics to the song I played... no I didn't play it paz's laptop did, but it was played none the less...

Another Dawn

-by Stephen Buckle

another year has come and gone
and everything around has changed
another day another dawn
and jesus you are still the same

another chance to give breathe
to those who cannot even breathe
another chance to make amends
or turn my back on anything

And I say
how do I live without you Lord
You saved me what else can I ask for
how do I love without you Lord
you take away
but you've given me back so much more

Looking through pictures and pages
I remembered when you walked with me
You told me if I ever failed you
Your love would still be guaranteed

And all I want is to be near you
down whatever road I must take
your words have never failed to guide me
through the lies and mascarades.

(repeat chorus)

when I'm dyin'
fallin' free
you come and rescue me
and how could I explain to you
everything you've done for me


And my prayer-

O'h, LOrd though I may fall lift me up. For I have no other strength but yours. Only you can start my life anew. May this new chapter of my life bring what you willand may I have the courage,
the faith, the fortitude to see it through...

-The Revig

Sunday, January 13, 2008


yes another one... another b&w photo from da, another photo chosen and featured by obsidian-fox, and another photo that shows something about myself and the way I am sure that I sometimes feel...

Please-by DeadStarKew

I might poem to it... who knows... I like the concept since I've had some experience with it myself...

-The Revig