Thursday, March 12, 2009


just a little something from that infernal short story...


"I guess the best way to explain is to start at the beginning; then you might see what I am and what it is I must do. Let me tell you a story:

"There once was a boy who loved to draw. He loved it so much that he drew himself a world on paper; surrounding himself with it. This world came to life to him within the pages of his sketch book. Many things he placed within it; there was light then and it filled all the drawings in channeled brilliancy, and there was shade too, but no darkness... no, that doesn’t come until later. and then he drew a door, a door that would change his world forever.

"No one knows how it happened but this door opened and he entered his world. The first to greet him were two emissary of light: an elven Lord and Lady. They were the first he had drawn in the book. They told him that they had been sent to guide him in his reign and to show him how to use rightly this gift that he had been given. And so under their tutelage and wisdom he ruled his world with a benevolent hand. Each of his creations had their own existence and spoke and thought and felt just like me and you. Our boy tried his best and though he may have made a few mistakes the ‘people’ loved and respected him because it was through him that they had been brought into existence. Times were good then… too good

"Then one fateful day an emissary of darkness was found and brought before the Boy. The ambassador stood before him in all its menace black and hateful and it made him an offer. The darkness would give him great power and might in return for the book that had formed this world. Naturally the boy refused and had the emissary destroyed. But by then it was too late. For the darkness had cast a spell over him. He was obsessed with it from his first taste and he ceased to heed the counsel of the light. The seeds had been planted and he locked himself in his chambers unable to rid himself of the image of the emissary’s dark form. It haunted him,” at this point he hesitated, something bothered him like he hadn’t made his piece, then he went on.

“That night the darkness came. It was strong and terrible and it tried to take the book by force, but the boy resisted it. It tried to take his life but at the moment before it could the lady of light appeared and sacrificing herself, saved the boy by weakening the darkness greatly. But again it grew. The lord stood and fought it giving the boy time to run. But when he too fell the darkness pursued the boy taking hold of everything that he had held dear and turning it against him. But no matter how much it took it could never find him.

“The land was changed. Where once had been peaceful vales and streams now were only ashes and mud for in its passing the darkness took all life from these and twisted them. And the book? The book was lost… the boy accidently dropped it in a pool in his haste, but though the darkness drained it, it was never found… until now.

“For you see Fay, I am ‘WM,’ or rather Wren Melbourne, and that is my sketchbook, and this terrible thing is happening to my world...”

dum da dum da! I still do intend to finish this...

-The Revig


  1. Anonymous9:37 AM

    you misspelled her name. Is'nt it Fey instead of Fay.

  2. heh well... in the deviation I called her fey because I couldn't remember how to spell it... but I'd then have to go through the whole document and change every instance of it...

  3. Anonymous4:27 AM

    what the heck is your new banner
