Sunday, November 26, 2006

lethargic lullabies

here's some lethargic lines I came up with at nine PM some night

to be sung in a sing song drawl wilst weaving bed sheets around your prey...


Take your time
to setlle down
Loose your voice
as in silence you drown
Guilt aside
just lie around
Make no noise
and forget your sound

-The Revig


well that was a lovely week end... now if only I can keep my head on for the rest of the week... only four hours, FOUR HOURS of sleep am I running on right now... did I mention I'm having trouble prying my eyes open...

we went to gatti waste today with my half brothers... I humiliated myself on the stomping machine... I'M... OUT... OF... PRACTISE... (s if there was such a thing that one could be in) pummeled my brother at air hocky, after subjecting my right hand to a bizzarre massage on the adams family generator(BRRRRRRRRRZZZZZZZZZ), or wait... was that before or after I had a bite taken out of my fish on the "feeding" ticket frenzy machine I can't quite remember... it was all I blurr mostly, anyway I did a grand barrage of other things that I'm way to tired to remember or write down...

it amazes me
how spiritually dull
people can be
the stones SEE!!!
but your ears are blind...

-The Revig

Tuesday, November 21, 2006


okay here we go again

I finished the second elemantal in the series this one being: earth. I really like how this one came out although it doesn't really follow the style of the other one nessicarily... but ah well with skills like mine you can't help but improve:D... ehh?

here are also two peices from the challenge I recently scanned:

8. Innocence
10. Breathe Again

Breathe deep... Seek peace


Sunday, November 12, 2006

poetry attack!!!

I don't really consider myself a poet but then there are those times when somerandom inspiration will grip me and I can't keep from rhyming... of course this is poetry not songwriting... for some reason that gift hasn't been very co-oporrative, anyway with out any further ado I give you three of my poems I have written...

this first one was written sometime back when I still was fanatical about the craft

Troubled Waters

Singing to an audience
That's just not there
Couldn't care less
This silence
Too hard to bare
Endlessly crashing ambience

Layers piling up
Apon my skin
Of bells struck
I've had to much
Of this light too dim
Fearlessly passionate touch

Something feirce
Is in the air
A fire within my tears
My greatest fears
Of this dare
Toyingly haunting mirrors

Days of Nights

"I will not love!" shouts I,
Spreading wings in the wind
"For nothing can I find
in my humanity to give"
Amnesty to live
Death taunting grin
graces my face
I can no longer waste
my tears
so dear
as to be my only dream to shed
But, Oh! the dread
of endless days
Of sleepless nights
Without the sight
of your face
Oh how I pray there will come a day
when I can touch
It aches so much
And nothing can I do
to soothe
The pain
of these joyless days
Of dreamless nights
Without the sight
Of you

a little free verse, anyone?


GO, find your light
Bring what you have within
and it will be your guide
Every night you scream
your tainted soul
This insanity within you
furrowing upwards to find
Nothing to bring
To give
to the sorrow that thrives
Within your breast
Where is this peace that you long to hold
Hesitant to see it
in your own eyes
Silence reigns
Although your screams explode
And everything comes
back to your pain
There is freedom
Now your own song
and yeild to the light


Thursday, November 09, 2006

challenge update!

here is an update on "the challenge ":

1. introduction- finished

2. love- finished but unscanned(actually teeny has it... getting her to do anything is like trying to move a large boulder)

5. Seeking Solace-finished

6. break away-finished

8. innocence-finished but unscanned

10. breathe again 60% finished

no limits!

I finished another cg...

no limits!

inspired by the song(whadya know) "no limits" by steven mcnair

I quite like how this one came out as it was my first experiment at painting clouds in ps and I was kinda unsure as to how it would turn out...but I like the final impressionistic (orange ice cream WOOOT!)effect they have and I think I'll do all my clouds like this from now on...

the studs (yes those are what those little grayish things on his belt and too-low-contrast armband are) were done with a brush I created but came out different then I intended them to...

akward lens flare moment...

lineart in pencil... inking with pilot rollerball(fine) and colors in photo shop

Saturday, November 04, 2006

what happened how and why...

okay originally I had the idea of telling why I got that punishment on the first place through an eight page long short story of the events as I remember them(in the first person of course) but then again I realized that it would probably take me next to forever to finally persuade myself to type it up, but I just might do it anyway and post it for you to see...for no apparent reason....but yeah!


well to make a very long story short, on the 13th of september I "crashed" my computer by downloading a virus which I thought was a patch for a computer game I wasn't even supposed to be playing. as a result I had a punishment of one months absense from any sort of computer usage... I'm serious not just online, but reading, writing, and yes shocking as it may seem art(of course that would be my cg I have been plenty busy with my other "genres"). about the only thing I could do was my school and put on music. aside from that the computer was completely off limits...I griped and groaned about it even tried to get around it by still playing the game... but, then I figured that if I kept going on like this I would get nowhere and still be unable to get the lessons strait, so finally I just buckled down and did it... that was a month ago... it was hard let me tell you that much... I even had it suspended a week twice(although the second one I was semi-expecting as it was on friday thirteenth*shrugs*)... but for all the times I was tempted I just told myself that I had brought this apon myself, there was no turning back, and the reponsible thing to do was to get it over with and learn from it for the experience that it was... but, then again it wasn't so bad it gave me a chance to step back from everything, see the big picture, and get a fresh perspective...

-The Revig