Sunday, January 02, 2011

All the necessary excuses

There is nothing more embarrassing in my opinion than violating that unspoken internet contract that states that once you start posting something you must continue to do so indefinitely (if I were speaking as an advertising exec I might say that such a contract is more often than not less unspoken than actually written and signed at least if anyone wants to make any money off the webs).well, I've obviously been in violation of it for the past *looks over* oh, year at least on this blog anyway on deviant art I have been rather active more... But I have good excuses for that which we'll get back later... Now, Of course there is that part of my self that says:" wtf You're an artist not a blogger why would anyone want to read your tl;dr crap they're just into the next visual stimuli which you aren't even getting payed to fact, its none of their business what you do with yourself why are you letting yourself be dictated by what your non-existent audience's expectations? In fact, why are you even writing this?" (and that may also possibly explain why I'm even trying to continue on with this line of logic). Well to you, little annoying voice I say: that's a very good question... The answer to which both of us have the potential to find an answer to on this great new adventure were going on right now or will be beginning very soon because we're restarting our online sphere of non-influence (which would usually present itself to the tune of "I'm alive!!!" or some other noise of renaissance.)
Little voice: You just ignored my question completely.
Me: It waS a stupid question.
Little voice: and kept on with your grandiose bull***t to do something unsustainable and potentially stupid because you're desperate for attention
Me: Yes, but I'm not desperate for attention, it's a resolution, besides people might actually want to know what I'm doing and what I think.
Little voice: Yeah, like like they want to have a hole in the head...
Anyway! Excuses! Well for one school... As I already said in my previous post which started this hiatus, my first semester of college was quite full. Well not really, I only took four classes three of which were art/design related and the other was engl comp1 but that's not important...

What's important is that because of some incredible fluke in the testing process the english class was part of the honors program and took a lot of brain and emotional power to crank out exposition pieces that were laking in imagination although not semicolons... Luckily the professor was interesting enough to pay attention to and invest effort in meeting his expectations so somehow I was able to scrap together an...A? (Must have been the same improbability blip that got me into the class in the first place) but needless to say I was not going to expend the brain energy that I did not have after finishing a term paper fifteen minutes before the deadline on a recap of what I had just jammed into my brain, diced, minced, scrambled, pickled, reassembled, disassembled reassembled again and finally hoicked back up onto the nearest keyboard,dressed up and shipped off for my prof to shred and grade.

As far as the visual arts were concerned the drawing pieces were either too large to photograph or too weird and unfinished(not to mention vague) to fathom submission and while my instructor was certainly excited about them I wasn't. Most were too close to the english pieces in feeling and I was not that inspired by the subjects which usually were the same grimey and frustratingly familiar array of objects in the class room ... I never like reprocessing reality there's just not that much margin for error, the reality in my head is far easier to draw. None the less, the drawing class was great because not only were we working on a larger scale than I was used to we were also able to experiment with different media and approaches. And of course there were the nude model sessions which are essential for any serious artist no matter how awkward they may be *snigger at least we had professional and moderately well looking ones... *hem and despite the difficulties of actually reproducing it I was able to learn how to actually see what I was looking at and trying to draw. I think I try and do a mash up with the best of the larger ones and individual postings of the better smaller ones...once I get them back from my teacher.

As far as the digital art classes I took were concerned they were merely introductory courses which, while I did learn some new tricks,were mostly tedium that reviewed well troden pathes in PS and introduced me somewhat flounderingly to Illustrator, PS's cousin. The photoshop class dealt with using photos which I was ill prepared for since all I had for that was my cel's camera and I knew nothing about illustrator so I was a complete noob and nothing ever did look right. Luckily I had my handy dandy graphire tablet to save me and greatly enhance my output. I don't think I'dve passed without it since I suck at photomanipulation and was a beginner at the illustrator program, not to mention the teachers were kind of duds imo. Needless to say the work done has no place outside the classroom even though it was what my creative efforts had been fed into all that time(it was usually too late once I got back home to do much more than dishes and cram a bit more writing in before crashing).

Now I'm not going to say that this next semester won't be as stressful as the last, certainly not as in fact I'm going to take math as well, but I'm also not going to say that I'm going to cut off all contact indefinitely again... I'll try to update as often as possible even if what I have to say isn't the most interesting or the art the best I could that area you may just have to settle for moleskin pieces and the random doodled fanart... But at least I'll be posting something... I may even do a few digital pieces so I don't get too rusty and I certainly will release the designs for my latest comic project which I may or may not do... I mean after all why would I go through all the trouble of saving up to buy a super awesome cool tablet if I were just going to use it as a mouse pad?

So yeah, if you skipped all of that then all it means is that I'm back and hopefully-though not too likely- it'll stay that way.


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