or at least for as long as I can tell...
yes that is right congratulate me for I have just finished entirely my highschool acedemic work which as far as I can tell means I HAVE GRADUATED!!! Yeah, I'm wearing my spanky pants!

can you tell? that means this is a real special occasion cause I only save those for extra special occasions... *hem* don't worry they're just underwear, but besides that I also needed an excuse to restart the blog and this seems like as good as any since I am now a man!! now I'll go forth and conquer with the power of youth!

NVRM that's still not right... pardon I've watched a bit too much of naruto for my own good....

no seriously I have so much time now I'm not too sure what to do with it... and there seems like theres always too much to get done in it... I never realized how stressful it would be not having to do any scholarly activity there's more time for what others need you to do than what you kinda want to do... sigh... still I am quite exuberant and I doubt that it will be dampened in a good while... I'm FREEE!!! I've always wanted to say that...
please standby for a megart upload... and maybe a bit of p-p-p-poetry... ogsh it's good to be back!
It's also beginning to look a lot like christmasss...
Awesome, Ben! Congrats and let me know what you plan to do in the future