Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Annual Musings.... no. 18 to be precise

It is with slight reluctance and regret that I stand on the threshold of my adulthood(in other words I'm turning eighteen, and I'm not so sure if it's such a great career move)

regret not really because my years of sentient adolescence were bad, but that they weren't... better. Doubtless I have learned everything I must from them and I do not begrudge that, but they most certainly could of been I am sure. Certainly more eventful and less tedious and with a bit more adventure in them (perhaps concerning a parallel world) than that of simply getting daily out of bed. But being the time stamping being I am I can not do anything about it nor change the fact that they were just normal years... well lived though they may have seemed at the time...

Reluctance one could say because I don't really think that it's a good idea to go about thrusting myself upon society at large, nor does prying myself from the cushioned stupor of adolescence look very gratifying either. But life as we all (should) know doesn't care about what I think(nor any one else for that matter) and I'm sure eventually I will be able to accept the fact that it plods along like a great clockwork elephant. and I will be dragged through the last second of the tenth of june(or have been by the time you're reading this) and will most exasperatingly be eighteen

sad... but true...

Still there is a sort of thrill to be found sitting on the precipice dangling my toes(or having dropt off of it) the future and all it's dim possiblilties stretching out before me like a sheet of endless paper... Lord knows That I am good with paper...
Still I rather like sitting here with the future, almost expectant, not quite because that would only spoil the small peace to be found in it( or lost really depending on when you're reading this)

so much blank space... So much Silence to break... The future is so nice bright and clean... what will we do with it?

So, I'll slit my gills and face full stream
Lest I be found to dance with the jellyfish queen...

-The Revig

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