Sunday, February 01, 2009


while putting up my gallery on DA I've noticed several trends...

first is that a majority of my work has been for other people... mostly as birthday gifts
I feel this shows that, either my allowance is too small, or I find it hard to make an excuse to do things for myself since it requires a large amount of time to produce my peices and if there is no outside motivation I will generally lose interest...

second is that over a third of my work has been inspired or otherwise done for music...
I feel this shows that, music inspires me, perhaps more than anything(at least the lyrics do)... and I find it hard to make the division between the two art forms:D

third is that most of my figures, whether standing or reclining, face to the left and are aligned on the right...
I feel this is because has something to do with my hand preference as it's much easier to draw something closer to your drawing hand than something that is away from it, and I'm usually too lazy to break the habit...

these aren't necessarily bad patterns just things that I've noticed... I could go on happily with these not even noticing it but one of the best ways to grow is to break out of previous ruts and try something new... so that's what I think I'll do... I hope this year to be able to break a few of these trends at least once, just to see what happens... I hope you'll like the results as much as I might...

I also think I need to draw Jesus more...

I hope you all had a great time on single's awareness day, even though I know I can't call it that... :D <3

I think I'll have soup today...

-The Revig

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