Sunday, April 30, 2006

piling artisanian... stuff

soooo much has been going on this week... culturally that is...

first I finally finished the peice inspired by the Metanoya song I Believe in Hell... I was so lazy while doing the coloring... took me almost two months to do it... anyways here it is...
to read the lyrics and hear a low quality sample of the song go here:

I've also finished a new song for my book...

I just couldn't resist putting it up as I worked hard on it and it has such sentimental value to it
anyways here it is

The Puppet

Verse 1:
A mess of strings
Above me swings
To these I am firmly strung
My hands and feet
These strings do meet
At the mercy of a tug
I cannot move
Unless I do
What these strings sing down to me

Soon these strings I will break
I will no longer take
What you tell me is real
I wanna know how it feels
To belong only to me
To walk away free
To steal the sunshine and rain
To know a true pain

Verse 2:
Curtain is raised
Forced into place
Same thing as always before
Dancing prancing
Endless thrashing
As I’m moved onto the floor
Jerking around force to the ground
As the music yearns to play

Repeat Chorus

Verse 3:
“You stubborn thing
You see these strings?
They are what’s holding you up
Cut them you’ll fall
Won’t move at all
Just dance it shouldn’t hurt much"
But I don’t care
These strings I’ll tear
I know there’s much more then this

Repeat chorus

I’m sick of this vanity faire
What is it you’re hiding me
I want to know what’s out there
What are you holding back from me?

Chorus 2:
Soon these strings I will break
I will no longer take
What you tell me is real
I wanna know how it feels
To belong only to me
To walk away free
To steal the sunshine and rain
To know a true pain

To run through the trees
To fall with my dreams
To find that I’m sane
To be an untamed

To be free to sing
To know the unseen
To fear no chains
To not live in a cage

To belong only to me
To walk away free
To steal the sunshine and rain
To know a true pain

A true pain

A true pain

A true pain…


see, I told you this was for my art and stuff.

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