umm oh wow this is akward so umm... lets see... why haven't I done this sooner well lets get around to that hopefully I will be breif you can never tell with me...( my ws post is still in storage) okay so sorry for the extra week in delay I can't really say it was my fault... you see we have a large freezer here which for some reason got left ajar all night long and so seeing as we weren't having the lovely cold weather we're having now, it all thawed out... and who do you think took the blame? yup that's right yours truly, seeing as I was the only one at home the day before which was monday(and incidently free day... which I spent watching neice... but more on that later) so yeah... for such I was suspended from all computer usage even school for the following week... and put on call to my mother's wishes... but as far as I can tell that's not the only reason...apparently my faithfulness wasn't doing so well so this apparent slip off on my part was the catalist, the crisis point, the climax, or what have you of this detrimental trend so I had it coming you could say... either way it wasn't so bad... the Lord showed me that the lessons I am learning will probably far more important to me than any I could learn in any text...
So that's one reason why you've had to wait so long... there are more but suffice to say they all stem from pure old laziness to do so over which the Lord has shown me I need to get the victory over... though it also stand to reason that my inability to sit down and type anything sensible of my own derision... a sort of correspondence block/slash brain freeze... may have had a hand in it... please don't give up on me, though as I am trying to change my ways and break out of it...
In other news I can hardly wait for my sister to come and take her daughter back!!! it'll be one of my best christmas presents yet :D
yep she's a pistol!
despite the obvious set back school's been coming along nicely... though still having trouble juggling it and my neice... sigh... two months to complete tenth! Lord give me the grace and focus for it...please pray that I'll be able to get it done in time...
Well I guess the public has decided for me... I shall not cut my hair... yet!... come now you can't really expect me to keep it like this forever, not to mention if it's required to become one or the Lord asks it of me I must be flexible... I do have obligations you know... besides I'm over due for a trim...
Birdefish is coming along nicely! trying to finish the sea though that's not the least of my troubles... there's still the sky and the water... I don't know what it is but I've been obsessed with water... I've already gotten five pictures with it central which I've had to stretch to get it right in at least some area... I guess it fascinates me in a way... I always liked swimming and after all I am the "Water Phantom" :D...
holiday commishes are stacking up if that wasn't enough to add to it all...
-The Revig