Monday, November 17, 2008

happy T-Day!!!

where did the year go?! only yesterday it was march and now were all the way in december, that's wrong...

but ummm yeah... Thank you Jesus

On that note, I hope you all didn't stuff yourselves too much... there's still christmas dinner to think about! heh... sorry for the lack of updates here, I've been too busy with... real life and other things...

Thank you Jesus that the septic field to our house was finally finished two weeks ago... kudos to my older brother Tim for operating the bobcat... that was a monster of a job that took us all summer and then some to complete.... WOOT!!! I have never felt so useful or tired in all my life :D chucking rocks out of dirt will do that for you... and now instead of the grand canyon we have a mohave dessert... but we also have a toilette

and we also have a colored living room and kitchen... yeah that was a family project there too... my sister Jonie from kentucky helped some with that... She and I cut while Tim mostly rolled... it's a nice slate blue with a "cream" yellow on one end of the living room and then in the kitchen right as you walk in is green... I mean really GREEN that it says HI!!! it was fun though... we also did a neat little blending number (with the blue and cream) that came out alright...

Well, the relatives are leaving and now it's back to real life... I need to get back on top of my word time and school... not to mention my art...

but that's life and we all thank the Lord for it

-The Revig

Friday, November 14, 2008

Some Metanoya Videos

Found these:

I'm a bit biased about these guys: METANOYA IS THE BEST BAND EVER!!! hahhaha ... so of course I like it, but...

While the beginning is wonderfully done and brian is great and all why did they have to go and ruin it with the... clown in the cape? like, seriously, what's with the coffee? I'm trying to figure out the whole back story while watching it but at the same time enjoy it, which really breaks the ambience... God bless brian. I know he tried and the rest of it is great, some real quality footage, but the bald guy... just doesn't do it with me... I like the fact that he's trying to give it some depth and he did well with what he had to work with, but the "story" is a little distracting

But hey, cheers! I'm just jazzed about getting something new from them!

We liked this one better, though what is up with the "fake obama" and the O they're making with their hands I'll never know?...

Good stuff!

-The Revig

Tuesday, November 04, 2008


Barack Obama won...