I think it's time to tell you what's been happening with me and try to explain something that might be important
Recently I have accepted a
freelance 'job' as a concept artist for "brave visions"a production company run by Troy Leblanc, a former (favorable) member... what we're working on is a tabletop rpg with family principles and features... such as the keys, angels, spiritual weapons etc(strait out of the letters he says)... all for the gp... basically what your getting is a veiw of the spiritual warfare as it really is(or at least I think it is I've had no time to actually play it yet) and at the same time well be giving them what truly matters... of course there's money involved... I won't run the numbers but grossly conservative figures are a bit obscenely large... which scares me a little...I've been working with them for about a month now and have completed a few drawings for the game... mostly generic character sort of things for player's conceptualization (I think I just made that up)... I'm not sure when we'll be producing in actuality but we should be able to see it roughly by next year... very roughly...
I think I just made things all the more complicated by going and applying to feild contribute art for ws... because it just seems that that is what the Lords been preparing me for all along. I use prophecy to some extent in my art(I need to do it more but still I do ask 'is this right lord?' etc, etc) I know that contributing isn't about doing it my way and that I'm doing this for the family not just myself, so I might have to do things that are not my cup of tea(like comic art :D) and I hope I'm open to shepherding in regards to my art... or even to let someone else fix it (a little)... I know I probably need to grow a lot in these areas, but for some reason ws just feels... right... and what's really weird is the day that they wrote back I finished a comic strip for my mom for a 12fs class... which is what they are looking for, comics that is, and that one only took me a day to finish...PTL anyway, I've already sent in my second assignment sketch and it is currently passing review (we can only hope)... and I can hardly wait till they can get back to me so I can start coloring... I want to get my money's worth out of my tablet pen I had to replace.
for both I've made the comitment not to put pencil to paper until I've heard from the lord specifically for what it is I'm doing.... this is so i can be sure I'm getting it right to start with
so far I've been able to juggle both ws and bravevisions well enough... of course putting my work for the family above the other... but it hasn't really been easy... on our current schedule I've maybe got two hours after dinner and dishes to work on both sometimes shorter for divine duties... but that's not the half of it... I need to be in the right place spiritually in order to receive the right things, and with this game the Lord is expecting more of me in order to be there... and stay...which of course means getting all my spiritual needs met which isn't too easy... (perhaps things will change in the winter months) and also stand my ground in the spirit... and the battles aren't getting any lighter... in fact they're intensifying, mainly because I'm actually starting to do something with my art, but also partly because working this close to the world isn't free from it's hazards... TANSTAAFL... But I am determined to keep the perspective that first and formost I am a disciple and the Lord's instrument before I am a fantasy artist...
Pray for me... that I keep the faith... :D
In other news... school might be equally as 'stressful' as the aforementioned... I've been working on a short story (lala land) and I probably will be posting it somewhere for you to read... it's kind of hard to write a story that gets your attention and pleases you yet at the same time keep it short... I keep finding myself wanting to add in more to get it a little more well rounded than neccisary and then having to check myself and pull myself back from my further day dreaming in order not to bore me readers to death... the thing is I've got a very rough outline of where the story goes only I'm still making up as I go along how it gets there... this is difficult and taking too long and I am impatient... but lotr wasn't witten in a day... though I am longer overdue than that :D
These are the last weeks I will have my locks... I will take a picture before the deed is done so you may all know what we're losing :D
sometimes I fear I am peddling vacuum
-The Revig