Yesterday, I fell into our septic tank hole and hit my tailbone on a rock... luckily I was still able to sit down and use the jack hammer to finish the trench to the leaching feilds... it was fun though(falling) I've always wondered what it would be like... now I know
the only problem is I apparently also hit my hand and now it's a bit stiff in the pinky and aches slightly when moved... it's got a white dot on it too... don't remember getting that...
I also moved my computer somewhere slightly permanent... it was getting annoying to have a desktop on my bunkbed... now I can relax and actually get some work done....
This immensly helps with my school as now I can comfortably work on my essays without getting a back ache... though how that will work with the internet connnection I'm not sure...
I'll try and give you an update on some rumblings... try...
And I'm not Dead!
opera is not for this...
-The Revig